Chapter 9 No Control

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After the others went to bed, I made my way towards the Medji who were still stalking our camp.

*Time skip to the riders*

As I see him, I make my way straight towards Amon/ Andeth. I want, no need to talk with him about this guy named Imhotep. As I stand in front of him, he slowly turns around.

AMON My Love Nephthys, what are you doing here?  

Without any kind of hesitation my body answered:

NEPHTHYS My reincarnation wants to talk with your reincarnation. So please, free his mind.

AMON I will my love, just one more minute.

And without an other word, he pulled me towards him. You have to imagine this happening to you, like you just stand there, no control over your body whatsoever, while some random princess, that you don't even really know borrows your body to suck her boyfriends face off as if her life (that she, by the way, doesn't have anymore) depends on it! I mean come on!

After like three minutes I could slowly feel Nephthys leaving my body and freeing my will. After we finally part, I wait a few minutes to catch my breath. That was one hell of a kiss.

JULIETTE: Andreth, I came to ask you, if you could tell me about a guy named Imhotep?

ANDRETH: How do you know about him?

JULIETTE: Today, we opened a sarcophagus and as soon as I saw the mummy I suddenly got flashbacks, floating through my mind.

ANDRETH: You opened a sarcophagus? Where was it buried? 

JULIETTE: It was buried under the feet of Anubis. Why are you asking?

Suddenly the wind began to pick up and the fire of the fireplace began to flicker.

ANDRETH: Someone read out of the book of death. We are all going to die! READY THE HORSES, WE NEED TO RIDE BACK TO THE PLACE OF DEATH!


As we reach the camp, we meet more than a million frogs, sitting on the ground. I, without a second thought run into the ruins, leaving Andreth running after me. I run into a dark chamber, where I can see Burns acting like a frightened child playing Blindman's Buff for the first time. Ok, he didn't wear his glasses but his eyes couldn't be THAT bad. 

After Andreth and his friends lead Burns out of the room, make out a whisper from deeper inside and it sounded like,..


As fast as I could, I made my way towards the voices only to find Evy being cornered by a MUMMY?! I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the creatures head while yelling:


The creepy mummyfied pedophile immideatly turns towards me, saying  

IMHOTEP Nephthys? 

After he looked me over, his expression (if you can call it) changes completely. He looks almost scared, and shocked. A few seconds later, our staredown is stopped by Rick, who comes flying around the corner and runs right up to Evy.

O'CONNELL Would you quit playin, around! Let's get outta here already!

Rick sees the look in her eyes and turns around, --at the sight of Imhotep, who now does no longer look at me, but at him and Evy. Rick jumps back in fright.


O'Connell and Evelyn start backing away down the wall.Imhotep glides sideways with them, like a tiger cornering his prey, completely forgetting about me, while I take a torch from the wall and slowly move towards the mummy. Imhotep suddenly stops and UNHINGES his skeletal jaw, his skinless mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and he lets out a horrific, primordial SHRIEK.


Evelyn SCREAMS. O'Connell shudders, then, embarrassed by his fear, he opens his own mouth and ROARS right back at him--

O'CONNELL Ahhhhhhhh!!

Then BLASTS him with the elephant gun, --BLAM! Through the SMOKE AND FLAMAGE we see Imhotep blown off his feet, his ribcage half torn away. O'Connell grabs Evelyn and runs, while I set one of legs on fire. Before following after them.


SAND and WIND whip through the ruins as O'Connell, Evelyn and I stumble up out of the crevice and COME FACE-TO-FACE WITH TEN ARMED MUMIA. The Mumia quickly raise their guns. O'Connelland Evelyn quickly raise their hands, while I stand beside them. Jonathan, Henderson, Daniels and the Egyptologist are already on their knees, hands over their heads. As soon, as I see Ardeth, I make my way towards him, while he steps towards me. Involving me into a hug, while whispering: Are you ok? to which I can only nod, while I could feel Evy's and Jonathans gaze on my head.

ARDETH BAY I told you to leave or die, you refused, and now you may have killed us all. For you have unleashed the creature that we have feared for more than four thousand years.

O'CONNELL Relax, I got him.

ARDETH BAY No mortal weapons can kill this creature. He is not of this world.

 O'CONNELL Are we talkin, about the same creature? The walking corpse? Really big mouth? Really bad breath?

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