Chapter 16 'It's locked or something'

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Ardeth and I BLASTS AWAY at the oncoming mummies.over at the base of the statue, O'Connell and Jonathan pullan ornate chest out of the secret compartment. O'Connell ripsoff the lid, reaches inside and pulls out a heavy burlap bag. He and Jonathan exchange nervous, excited looks. Then he reaches into the bag and slowly pulls out the SOLID GOLD Book Of The Living- GOLDEN LIGHT reflects off their faces as they stare at it in wonder. Just as our guns go empty. Ardeth takes his by the barrel and wades into the remaining mummies swinging.

ARDETH BAY Save your sister! Kill the creature!

He yells before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and running off towards the mummies. O'Connell lights the last stick of dynamite and throws it against the far wall. Rick, me and Jonathan hit the deck.

 O'CONNELL That's the last one, we better get lucky.

The wall BLOWS. Debris COLLAPSES, --but now here's a hole for us to get out. We race out through the hole just as the remaining mummies enter the chamber.


We burst into the room just to see Imhotep almost stabbing my little sister. He spins around and faces us. Jonathan beams as he holds up the golden Book Of The Living. 

JONATHAN I found it, Evy! I found it

EVELYN Shut-up and get me off of here!

O'Connell grabs an ancient sword out of a statue's hand, jumps up onto a gravestone and leaps out over the Priests. The Priest-mummies stop chanting. The MIST vanishes. Imhotep steps forward. I STRIKE the sacrificial knife out of his hand. Imhotep BELLOWS a command. The Priests stand up, swords and knives in hand, they ATTACK me and Rick. 


EVELYN Open the book, Jonathan! Open the book! That's the only way to kill him!

Rick and me RACK and CHOP at the attacking Priest-mummies, fighting our way towards Evelyn. The skeletal creatures wildly SWING their swords, trying to STAB O'Connell. Jonathan fumbles with the book, struggling to open it, --he can't.

JONATHAN I can't open it! It's locked or something!

O'Connell CUTS two of the mummies in half, then swings his sword down at Evelyn, --CLANG! One chain breaks free. Jonathan spots a series of SOLID GOLD, FOUR-SIDED LOCKS along the binder. It hits him like lightning-- JONATHAN We need the key!

Imhotep grins, then grabs the KEY/BOX hanging from a chainaround his neck, rips it off and shoves it into his pocket.

JULIETTE You just HAD TO say that out loud didn't you?!

Imhotep picks up the sacrificial sword and heads for Jonathan.

JONATHAN What do I do, Evy!? What do I do!? 

EVELYN Read the inscription on the cover!

I swing my sword down, and --CLANG! Evelyn now has one hand and one leg free. More mummies attack us, force us back. Jonathan quickly starts translating the cover inscription,but his ancient Egyptian is clearly awful.

JONATHAN .Keetash-something, naraba-something.

JULIETTE I don't believe it

Jonathan starts to backpedal through the cemetery, clutchingthe golden book; wide-eyed, as Imhotep moves in on him. By now I left Rick alone with the mummy problem and made my way over to Jonathan.

  JONATHAN Ebarra im hatu Kashka ummmmm--? Jonathan trips and falls on his ass.

Imhotep CHARGES FORWARD. O'Connell SLASHES another chain. Only one more left holding Evelyn. Jonathan sits up and quickly looks back at the cover.


Imhotep raises the sacrificial sword, about to kill Jonathan. And that's when the giant statue of Anubis suddenly CRASHES through the wall, --shades of Ray Harryhausen. only better.The god of Deaths, horrible, decrepit STONE FACE staresangrily down. Jonathan stares back.



O'Connell DECAPITATES a mummy and looks up at Anubis.

O'CONNELL (sarcastic) This just keeps gettin, better and better.

Imhotep leaves Jonathan and heads for the giant statue.O'Connell leaps over and with one last swing of the sword,frees Evelyn from her chains. More Priest-mummies attack,forcing him away. Evelyn jumps off the altar and starts to head for O'Connell, --a SKELETAL HAND grabs her! Spins heraround. It's Anck-su-namun's rotted corpse. Evelyn reacts. Imhotep looks up at Anubis, points to O'Connell, and in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN commands him to attack. Anubis moves for O'Connell, STOMPING over mausoleums and through the detritusmoat on his way. O'Connell quickly backs away.

O'CONNELL Do something, Jonathan! Kill it!

JONATHAN You have got to be joking?

Evelyn is backing away from Anck-su-namun.

JULIETTE We need to finish the inscription, idiot!


Anck-su-namun ATTACKS Evelyn. I run back to Rick, slashing mummies on my way there Evelyn fends her off as best as she can. Jonathan quickly looks back at the hieroglyphs on the book cover, fumbling badly under the pressure-

JONATHAN Ummm, Hootash im .... Hootash im now what is this last symbol here?

EVELYN What's it look like!?

Anck-su-namun grabs Evelyn by the throat. The statue of Anubis corners O'Connell, reaches down and GRABS him withit's MASSIVE TALONS. O'Connell HACKS away at it.  

   Jonathanstares at the inscription, slightly oblivious.

JONATHAN It's an Anck symbol, with two little squiggly lines above it, and a bird, a stork! 

on either side,Evelyn is being STRANGLED by Anck-su-namun,

EVELYN -Ah! Ah! Ahmenophus!  

JULIETTE Ahmenophus!

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