Chapter 23

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Mr. Vincent got me a glass of juice and sat beside me. His house was beautiful. He lived  a luxurious life. 

  "your house is beautiful." I said

  "Thank you Anna. Please make yourself feel at home."

"Thanks" I gave him a smile.

"I will be back in a minute." with that he went up the stairs.

I was having a glance of the interior of his house, then I heard a voice from behind.

"Good Afternoon ma'am. Please let me know if you have something or if you need any help." she said smiling at me.

She was an old lady maybe in her mid-sixties. I smiled back at her.

"Sure........" I was about to thank her but was cut midway when we heard
Drake's voice from
" Rose please come upstairs." she excused herself and went upstairs. She must be a maid.

  "oh hello Anna." The voice startled me. I turned around to see Mrs. Kate coming towards me.

" Hello madam I mean  Mrs. Kate.,"
  "how are you feeling dear, I heard that you got hurt." she asked. 

   "I am fine now, thank you Mrs. Vincent." Mrs. Vincent was about to ask something but Mr. Vincent interrupted again.

  " mom how are you feeling now?," he asked his mother.

   "I am fine my son."

  " did you have your lunch?" I was about to have it.

  "I was about to have it." he sighed but said nothing. With that Mrs. Vincent left to dining room.
  "hey what are you doing" I told him when he left me up and carried me upstairs. I tighten my hold as if it depends my life on him.

  "Mr. Vincent I will fall down, please slow down." I told him. Then he walks a little slower.

  He made his way to a room. When we entered, the room was big and white. And the furniture was beautiful. The room has a queen-size bed and a white couch, bookshelf and many more. I was just admiring the beauty of the room.

  He laid me on the bed carefully. And he sat beside me, while caressing my hand.

  "Anna," he took a breath and continue "what ever happened back in hospital, I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you. I was just worried about you. I thought I was about to lose you. I.." I cut him off.

   "Even I am at fault. I shouldn't have said those words. I am sorry. Do you forgive me for that?," I said in guilt.

   " I will never get angry with your words."

  " and I will only forgive you when you give me something."

   "And what's that?"

  He said nothing now. He brought his lips down to my lips then he crash his lips on mine. At first I didn't kiss him back but then I just couldn't help it. It was soft, gentle at first but as if asking me if I wanted more.

  I guess he reads my mind because then it became rough. More demanding as I ran my hand in his hair gently.

Fireworks exploding will be an understatement because it felt like an entire world stopped moving and it was just both of us enjoying the movement. While we were into each other.

  "What's going on here."  we both pulled ourselves. And it was Mrs. Vincent.

   "what do you think of yourself ha? I thought you differed from other's but you prove me wrong. I know that you are after his money.," She came near me. She was looking angrily at me. I was looking at her in disbelief. Who can she think of me so low?

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