Chapter 17: Want or Need?

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It’s been a week.  One long week.  One week too many.

                My mom is still in a deep sleep and I haven’t seen Noah since that day at the hospital.  I missed him.  I’ve been with Scott a few times this week.  But nothing was like Noah’s comfort.  Nothing could compare to feeling I have with Noah.

                I was currently sitting at my mom’s bedside, doing math homework that’s due tomorrow.  My dad will be here after work and Ash is busy with the band.  It’s good to have a distraction right now.  Scott was mine only for a few hours until I started missing Noah.  I just wanted to see him.  Make sure he’s okay.

                My dad stepped through the door and I stood to greet him.  “Your brother’s friends are at the house, just a warning.”

Thanks, dad.

                “And that’s why there’s a lock on my door.”  I gave him a quick hug.  “Bye, Dad.”  And that’s exactly what I’m going to do when I get home.  Lock myself in because the last thing I wanted was to hear loud noise.  I could go to Ashley’s, but I’m sure she’s there to support Rai. 

There was no getting around it.

                I got into my mom’s car and started home.  I felt safer having someone patrol the area all the time.  Maybe Joel is scared now and won’t come near us.  Or he could be waiting it out.  Waiting awhile, lying low, so no one can suspect him.  It’s obviously the rout to go so he doesn’t get caught.  I was tired of always looking over my shoulder.  Every noise I hear, I think its Joel coming to get me.  Or worse, someone I love.  Like my mom…

                My thoughts canceled themselves and I got out of the car to face the music. 


I heard muffled music coming from the basement as I opened the door.  Once the lock on the front door latched, I ran up the stairs.  I closed my door quickly behind me, engaging the lock in the process.  I can breathe.  In and out.  Simple.

                I flipped a light switch on and threw my bag on my desk.  I looked at my bed and I’m pretty sure it’s never looked so inviting.  I had to double take, but there was definitely a folded piece of paper lying on my pillow.  My breath hitched in my throat.


                I slowly picked it up and unfolded it carefully.  “I miss you.” Was scribbled on the piece of notebook paper.  I sighed, a huge wave of relief washing over me.

I looked further down, and scribbled down at the bottom was just a simple ‘N’.

I couldn’t help but smile a little.  So he was thinking about me, and hasn’t forgotten completely.

                I folded it back up and stuck it under my pillow.  It will be nice to look at when I think about him and how much I actually miss him.  He’s only a few feet away and I can’t even see him.  It’s for the best though, and I’m sticking to it.  There’s more important things then my having a boyfriend.  I don’t even think I can call Scott my boyfriend.  Boys complicate everything.

                I changed into pajama shorts and a tank top before climbing into bed with the rest of my homework.  But it was impossible to focus with all that damn noise.  Drums banging, guitars so loud I could feel the house vibrate.  Don’t go down there, don’t do it, Willow.

I stayed firmly planted in my bed.  Not going to happen.

                I put my headphones in and turned my music all the way up to drown out any noise.  I could barely focus with their music playing, this didn’t make it much better.  I stood up, put my homework away, turned out all the lights and got back into bed.  I sunk under my blanket, throwing a pillow over my face and I let sleep consume me.  It was more than needed.

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