9: What The Heck!?!?

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Chapter 9: What The Heck!?!?
Song: Jar Of Hearts By Perrie

Christina Grimmi.
R.I.P. She was an amazing singer and person.
Quote: When someone walks out of your life, let them. There's no use in wasting your time on people who want to leave you. What you make of yourself and your future is no longer tied to them. Yeah, you may miss them. But remember that you weren't the one that gave up.

"What did we find out about cat shifter's?" May questioned I would have ask that questioned my self but I like this form a lot. It's fun you get to mess with people. Now who can tell me that it's not fun to mess with me.

"Evangeline!" Kevin yelled again. I may or may not have been clawing at his leg for the past hour or so.....

"She's the only cat shifter. She can shift into any cat form including fox form also and of any size. Baby or adult form. She has everything we werewolves have just stronger depending on how mad she is. So that means she can get stronger then you Alpha." Thank you guys for talking about me like I'm not sitting right here! I let out a laugh at the last line but it came out weird. Hands went to pick me up but I dodge them and hissed at the person. It was Greenie. That little traitor. Sitting down I glared at him until he backed up and raised his hands up in surrender. That's more like it.

"I was going to hand up to your mate." Satisfied that he backed down I laid down. I didn't want to be in his arms I still didn't know what to do.

"Your feisty." Maddie started pointing out the facts. "I like you." Smiling I looked up at Kevin and used my paw to point at his leg. He was confused for a few seconds before it clicked.

"Human?" Nodding my head at his question, I waited.

"Think of your human form. Your hair, your eyes. Everything and just let yourself turn back." He spoke. I listened and followed through. It didn't hurt when I turned back. It was more like you grew back to your size before and I know that's what I did but still felt like you were growing for years.

"I'm supposed to be human not a shifter. Why the heck am I shifting in to weird things?"

"Cause your not human." Well no duh! That's why I said 'supposed to'.

"Finally done trying to take out your mate's leg?" May questioned smiling.


"What are we going to do with you?" Jared questioned laughing. "I'm sorry Alpha but you're never going to ever have a day of peace anymore."

"Yeah I know." Good!

"We can ask your parents?"May suggested. Rubbing my eyes, trying to get rid of my tiredness I added on.

"Yeah. Well. That's going to be a problem."


"Because my parents left me when I was seven years old." The "oh" face passed through everyone as they didn't say anything else for a few minutes which made it very weird and quiet.

"Any brothers or sisters?" Greenie asked like taking a bullet for the team.

"My family disowned my older brother when I was six years old. I have no clue where he is. He was eight years old at the time. He told me that he would find me whenever he could. That he will never forget about me and won't stop until he found me again. He promised and I'm hoping he'll keep that promise."

"Crap then I don't know then." Kevin spoke. Yeah well. That leaves two of us.

"Do you know where your parents are at least?"

"Yes I do but I would rather die than see them ever again let alone believe anything that comes out of their mouths. The only thing that does come out of their mouths is lies you ain't getting anything out of them that you want."

"Ain't isn't a word."

"Ain't is a word, it's just not proper language."

"So you shouldn't say ain't."

"Since when did you become a english teacher?"


"We aren't proper so we don't have to use proper language."

"Okay fine you win this time." Greenie mumbled.

"What are you talking about? I win all the time." Greenie let out a small laugh and rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Okay let's leave them buried in the dark then. We'll keep everything from them then. They are far away from these woods, right?" Kevin started dragging us back to the topic that we got off of.

"Thank god. I would be a zillion states away if they were in these woods. They are over sea's the last time I knew of."

"Good that makes life ten times easier." Sighing I laid on the floor looking up at the ceiling. My life is full of drama but I'm glad a lot of it is over, because if it wasn't over yet I would never have any type of peace.

"Alpha, Luna. There's some people here that wants to talk to you two. They're outside." A new voice spoke walking into the bedroom. He had to be some kind of tracker or something.

"Are you a tracker?" I had to ask he smiled and nodded.

"Hey! I was right. Finally!"

"I thought you were always right?" Greenie questioned setting next to me on the floor. I reached up and punched him lightly.

"Shut up!"

"That punch was hard!" He faked cried as he tried to hold back a smile.

"I didn't even punch you that hard, you big baby!"

"Anyways." He started again I kind of forgot that he was there.

"Please just Evangeline and thank you." He nodded and left. Kevin stood up holding out his hand to me. I took it as he helped me up. Dropping his hand we walked down the stairs and outside not saying a word just wanting to know who wanted to see us. The moment I saw them I froze. Of course it had to be them. The two people that I never wanted to ever see again in my life time......

"What do you want!" It was the mother and father that disowned me when I was seven years old.

1061 words

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