26: The Problem

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Chapter 26: The Problem
Song: Human by Krewella
Quote: Being yourself is unique, because no one else can be you. They can try but they'll fail. Only you can be you.

I'm sorry this isn't as good as the other chapters but the last part is important! Life changing.
ShareeWashington6 K4221E israellopez874 ISHIPBUTCHERCUP londonbabe_14 okoklilo LoveBug_A Thank you guys!

kevin p.o.v.

"So what are we going to do with the Rouge's in jail?"

"I don't know. I don't think we can do anything really."

"So our jail's are over filling and we don't have any clue what to do about them?" Ray questioned pointing out the facts that we have to solve. I really hate when he does that. He does it all the time, meanie head..and now that he did it he's dieing. Crap now I sound like Evangeline. Fun. I sent a glare towards Ray as he put up his hands.

"Your turning into Evangeline now."

"Am not!" Lie.

"Yes you are."

"I'm telling on you!"

"Now your Austin."

"No I'm not you big gaint bully!"


"I'm telling now-" Ray cut me off as he said the name again. I swear I'm killing this little boy over here. Or I can leave it to Evangeline....


"I'm telling my mate."

"Okay okay I'm sorry but don't tell Luna! Please!" Jared begged as I rolled my eyes at them. I will be killed also if I told her.

"Okay let's go over our opinion's."

Evangeline P.O.V.

"Look at what the cat dragged in."

"Look at what the wind blew in."

"You always win! It's no fair."

"It is fair."

"I don't know what you are talking about Uncle Austin but mommy always win's." Crystal added in.

"She told you!"


"Elizabella!" I yelled mocking him with a laugh.

"What are you two doing in here?" She questioned popping up with Wyatt in her arms out of the middle of no where.

"Those two are being mean to me!"

"I forgot you act like a kid worse then these four kids here." She mumbled under her breath pointing at each of the kids here.

"There is nothing wrong with acting like a child!"

"Only when your twenty years old."

"Your supposed to be on my side!"

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