Ch. 3 Don't worry

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Sam Uley is a Quileute shape-shifter on the La Push reservation. He's twenty-years-old and the oldest shape-shifter in his pack. His pack consists of Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, and Embry Call. Since he's the first shape-shifter, he became the Alpha of his pack. He helped the other shape-shifters get accustomed to their wolf selves. 

While being a shape-shifter, he noticed one of his pack members imprinted on someone. That pack member is Jared Cameron who became the first shape-shifter to imprint on someone. Jared imprinted on a girl named Kim who is a classmate of his in La Push High School. Sam wonders if he'll ever meet his imprint. He envies Jared who always thinks about Kim whenever they patrol around La Push.

When his pack members go to school, Sam usually goes to work at a gas station as a mechanic or stay at home and watch TV. It's Sam's day off, and Sam is drinking a glass of soda and eating food when he hears his name. 

" Sam Uley!" A male voice speaks up. 

Sam puts his glass of soda on the counter and turns his head to the left when he sees Billy Black in a black truck.

" Billy?" He blinks wondering why the main councilman of the Quileute tribe is outside his house. " What's wrong?" He asked. 

Billy stared at Sam with a worried expression on his face.

" I just found out that Charlie's daughter went missing today. I was wondering if you can help us find her" He looks at him. 

Sam nods his head.

" Of course!" He stands up and walks out of his house. " I'll shape-shift into my wolf form and find her that way" He runs towards the forest and shape-shifts into a massive black wolf. 

Billy drives away heading towards the Swan house. An hour later, Billy arrives at the Swan house seeing a lot of police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. Billy isn't surprised that Charlie called for a search team. Since Charlie is the chief of police, everyone will do anything to help Charlie find his missing daughter. Billy parks his truck on the Swans' driveway seeing Charlie with a young girl by his side. 

" Charlie!" Billy shouts.

Charlie turns around seeing his best friend.

" Billy!" He sounded happy to see him. 

Cassandra stayed behind watching Charlie walk towards the black truck and helped a Native American man out of the truck and into a wheelchair. Charlie pushed the wheelchair towards Cassandra.

" Billy. I would like for you to meet Cassandra Lopez. She's Bells best friend from Phoenix, Arizona" Charlie introduced Billy to Cassandra.

Billy smiled. 

" Nice to meet you, Cassandra" He takes Cassandra's right hand and shakes it lightly. "Don't worry Charlie. Bella is going to be safe. I sent Sam to get her for you" He turned to Charlie. 

Charlie blinks. 

" Sam Uley?" He sounded a bit surprised that Billy asked Sam to help find Bella for him. 

" Dad!" A male voice shout which grabbed everyone's attention.

Cassandra looks forward seeing a young Native America man with long black hair and brown eyes walked towards them.

" Jacob. I see you heard what's happening" Billy looks at his only son. 

Jacob nods his head.

" Did you guys find her?" He asked. 

Charlie shakes his head.

Jacob frowned when he noticed Cassandra.

" Ah! Jacob. That's Cassandra Lopez. Bella's best friend from Phoenix" Billy tells his son. 

Jacob smiled.

" Nice to meet you. My name is Jacob Black" He introduced himself to her. 

" Nice to meet you too" Cassandra smiled. 

Afternoon turned into night time.

Everyone quickly searched for Bella feeling scared that animals would find her and eat her. Many hours later, Sam walks out of the forest with Bella in his arms. 

Cassandra was sitting on the porch when she spotted another young Native American man with short black hair and brown eyes carrying Bella in his arms

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Cassandra was sitting on the porch when she spotted another young Native American man with short black hair and brown eyes carrying Bella in his arms. She stands up and runs towards them. 

" Bella!" Cassandra shouts. 

Sam looks forward when he sees a beautiful young woman with long wavy blonde hair and hazel eyes running towards him. If he weren't holding Bella in his arms, he would have frozen in sight. 

Cassandra stood in front of the young Native American man when she sees his eyes at a closer level. She blinked noticing a sparkle when his eyes met hers, but she didn't say anything. 

" Bells!" Charlie shouts running towards them. " Sam! Thank you so much" He sighed in relief. 

Cassandra stayed quiet. 

' He must be the guy that Billy and Charlie talked about' She thought. 

Sam passed Bella to Charlie. 

Sam glanced at Cassandra who is wearing a thoughtful expression on her face. He didn't know why but he finds that expression quite adorable. He blushed when her eyes met his. He gulped feeling like he has lost the ability to breath when she stares at him. 

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