Chapter Nineteen

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I felt something on my legs and I kicked out wildly, causing myself to fall. I landed with a thud on the ground, in a tangle of blankets. I flicked my hair hastily away from my face and frowned up at Mel, who sat on the lounge, removing the smothering blankets.

"Someone's touchy," she snickered.

I rolled my eyes and crawled back onto the lounge, resuming with my movie watching. Well, I'd technically been asleep, but before dozing off, that's what I was attempting to do.

"Oh no." she said slowly and dramatically, realising what was on the T.V. "You're watching Hairspray. Again. Don't you like, already know all the words?"

"Pretty much," I replied, pausing it. "Pulled it out for old times sake."

She just stared at me blankly, with those perfectly eyeliner eyes.

"Yeah, right. Are you coming to the party?" she asked. "Please, for me?"

"I can't believe you even had to ask," I said in an overly high-pitched voice, flicking my blonde hair over my shoulder and battering my eyelashes.

"Really?" Mel asked in surprise, her eyes widening.

"No." I answered bluntly, abruptly stopping the 'It girl' facade. "I'm not going."

She groaned, hitting me with a pillow I'd dropped on the ground. She pursed her lips at me in disappointment. "You have to! You're my wing man."

"No I don't and no I'm not. You always go to parties without me."

"Not until you came out of your shell and became the hottest nobody at the school."

I frowned. It was fine me calling myself a nobody, but I didn't appreciate others saying so. I guess that sounded lame, but it was how I felt. It was technically okay though, since it was my best friend who had said it. If it had been anyone else, I would have gotten a bit offended.

"Nobody?" I asked anyway.

She continued like I hadn't interrupted. "Come on, it'll be fun. We can get wasted."

"No thank you."

She frowned deeply at me, placing her hands on her hips. "Jason will be there."

"Which is exactly why I am not going. We're on a break. I don't want him to think I'm going there just for him." I then muttered, "He already thinks I'm clingy."

This break had been going for four days by the way. It was nearly killing me, not being with him. I know that sounds so cliché, but that's how I feel. I really missed him. Luckily, I had Charlie to keep me company. He seemed to like Hairspray too.

"Pfft," she said dismissively with a roll of her eyes. "That's not true. Come on, please."

"No." I said, grumpily.

"You're such a party pooper. Literally."

"Cool. Now you go have fun. Text me all about it. I'm going back to singing along with Zac Efron. Bye now."

"I don't want to go without you." She pouted.

"Don't go then. We'll have a hang sesh."

"I have to go. Everyone is expecting me there."

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