Chapter Twenty Nine

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Dedication: Official_Alysia for making me the awesome banner on the side.  

Can be viewed to your right. -------->>>>





"Let. Me. Go." I growled as I was viciously yanked on either arm by a pair of burly men. They obviously worked for Mark. (The guy known as my 'father').  

It was a risky move, Mark pulling a stunt like this. Far as he is aware, I didn't know about this arrangement. Well, I would now. Finally, I could confront him. I licked my lips in distaste, just thinking about him. 

I kicked out, my foot making contact with one of the guys knees. His leg bucked underneath him, causing the grip on my arm to weaken. I swung around, punching the other guy fast in the face. I took off in a sprint, only to be tackled down from back on.  

"Want to try that again, pretty boy?" he smirked at me, squashing me. I sucked in a breath as my chest felt like it was being crushed. I took a few breaths, but I was still surprised my voice came out as calm as it did.  

"If you insist."

I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine, pushing him off me. I stomped on his hand, satisfied to hear a crunch, before tearing down the car park of the hospital. I leaped inside my car and burnt rubber, peeling out. I didn't stop flooring it until I reached my sister's house. I legged it inside, slamming the door and locking it.  

I gulped in big breaths. Guilt washed through me as I realised I had been happy with breaking that guys hand. That wasn't like me. But still, it had helped me get away.  

"Jase?" a familiar voice called.  

"Yeah, just me Jenn." I called back. "I just had a run in with Mark."  

It went very quiet before I heard footsteps. She came around, tucking a strand of her mouse brown hair behind her ear. Concern was etched in her face and she studied me for any signs of injuries. She knew nothing good ever came from a sentence involving the word Mark.  

"I'm fine." I insisted. "He had two bodyguard people 'escort' me out of the hospital."  

"Why were you at the hospital?" she asked, her eyebrows raised, the worried look on her face increasing. 

I exhaled slowly. I beckoned her to follow, as I made my way into the lounge room and collapsed on the lounge. I stretched my legs out and closed my eyes. The words tumbled out of my mouth, everything from when Emma slipped.  


She was alone with him. I shuddered. I couldn't go back to help her though. Hopelessness built up inside me. I hated to admit it, but it brought moisture to my eyes. 

"Hey," Jenn said softly. "It's okay. She'll be fine."  

I squeezed my eyes shut. "You reckon so?"  

"Yes. How's the whole non-dating going? Hit you hard, hey?"  

I tensed. I hated lying to her. She was the one person I could trust with absolutely anything, and here I was, lying to her. I'd been conflicted with the choice of telling her or not. It would be a risk anybody else knowing, but I did trust her with all my heart. I just didn't know what to do. 

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