Chapter Fifty Eight

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Dedication: Thank you Ayisha for the awesome cover. I love it. :) (I hope I dedicated the right person).


Melanie's POV:

I was bored. Out. Of. My. Brain. I hated being pregnant, I hated being stuck at home, but what was worst of all, was when Emma was busy and Luke was at work. My tutor had come earlier today and she seemed to think I was improving. Bleh. Other than her coming, my day had consisted of absolutely nothing.

My days seemed to revolve around the same thing, now that I thought about it. I would wake up, make myself and Luke breakfast, lounge around and clean. I was 'banned' from cleaning the porch or anything up high, as it is too 'dangerous' for me with my 'condition'. Yeah, he called having a baby, a condition.

It made me really angry that I wasn't allowed to do what I want in my house. Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't give everyone the right to treat me like I'm made from glass. I can still do stuff. I can still be independent.

Argh. Just thinking about it, makes me want to punch something.

I just wanted to go for a swim and drink some alcohol. But neither was too appealing right now. My bump was growing bigger and bigger as the days go on. I'm about fifteen weeks now. My morning sickness was still strong, and I hated it.

Smells, tastes and everything was changing. I just wanted Courtney out of me now. Nine months couldn't come any quicker.

But what I hated more was that Luke wasn't home.

The time slowly, slowly ticked by and I was growing more impatient by the second. Finally, I was blessed with the sound of a car door closing and footsteps ascending up the path. With a groan, I pushed myself to my feet and made my way to the door.

He opened it and before he could even take a step inside, I smashed my lips to him. The kiss was hungry with longing. I roughly ran my hands all over him, feeling every inch of muscle he had to provide. I felt quite smug. My boyfriend was hot. He worked out and he was like a machine when he did kick boxing.

I liked it when my friends would talk in envy about how hot he is. It made me feel good. Except, I hardly caught up with my friends anymore. I was practically banished from school and all social normality. My close friends knew and were sworn to secrecy. It felt weird not waking up for school. It was like I was forced to grow up way too quickly. I was hardly ready to be a mum!

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I needed to be strong. For everyone's sake.

I felt the familiar tingling sensation break loose in my body and my skin erupted with goose bumps when his tongue slid across my lip. I moved my lips so I was kissing his cheek and jawbone before returning back to his lips.

He broke, panting heavily. He stared at me for a few moments, his lips parted, his eyes dilated. They were a few shades darker than they usually were. I'm sure he liked this welcome home. It wasn't exactly the 'norm'.

"Did you miss me?" he joked, smirking.

Answering without words, I pushed myself onto him. The kiss became a lot more passionate and clothes began to fly off all over the room. He roughly kissed down my neck, to my shoulders and down to my pregnant belly. He began kissing it, making circular patterns with his lips and as weird as it sounds, I kind of liked it.

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