Chapter 1 Moving

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Emily's POV
It was Friday the 9th of July. A hot summer day. The wind was playing with my hair as I walk towards my brothers car. "Bryan!" I hear Jasmin yell behind me.

We haven't seen him in days. I could hear from her voice that she was just as excited to see him as I was.

Bryan's head turns around. His eyes looking through the crowd's of people in the same lame school uniforms. As soon as his hazel blue​ eyes found us, his always sad face turned into a smiling one.

Jasmin runs past me, in all of her excitement she almost tripped over one of her own silly feet. Bryan catching her right before she hit the ground. "Bryan I missed you!" she screamed. "I missed you too Jassy" He said when he pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her little arms around him. She has always been Bryan's favourite little sister.

She was everyone's favourite. And I was a little jealous of the way she could wrap people around her finger in seconds. I mean duh. Everyone want to be able to do that. To make guys fall for them smiling at them.

I finally made it to the car Bryan was picking us up with. It was a Chevrolet, corvette stingray jet black suede special edition.. With black leather on the inside. and for rainy day he could put the roof on. Today was a sunny day. So it wasn't needed. Bryan put down Jasmin and pulled​ me into a hug as well. "So you didn't forget you had another sister." I joked at him. "How could I forget the person that has always been a pain in the ass." He joked back at me. We both liked to be sarcastic.

Jasmin on the other hand was someone who didn't understood the fun in the so called 'insulting jokes.' Jasmin gave them a weird stare. And opened her door to get into the backseat of the car.

As we were all buckled up on our own places in the car. Bryan behind the wheel, Jasmin in the middle of the back seat and I in the front next to Bryan. Bryan started the engine and drove towards home.

"How was your day?" I asked my brother. He turned his head towards me for a second before his eyes go back to the road. "Boring... as usual."

We waited for a further explanation. Jasmin looked at me, then looked at Bryan. "What do you mean by usual?" she finally asked after what felt like hours, but probably was 5 seconds.

"You know I'm not allowed to tell you that little sister." Was his respond. Dammit again with the 'I'm not allowed to tell you' bullshit. I know Jasmin hated to hear that just as much as I did. If she didn't hate it more. He never told us what kind of job he did. Nor what he has been working on. Even our parents didn't know. At least that's what they told us.

I'd like to believe he was some kind of CIA member due to his looks and always perfectly short hair, and no facial hair.

Lost in my thoughts we arrived at our house. It wasn't just a plain house. It was a villa. With a perfectly mowed green lane, white painted windows, a driveway and a baby blue door. This was just the front view.

The backyard was even larger. With a massive pool, a trampoline, a sitting area, built in BBQ and a huge fitness area. The fitness area was just a little building in the back, with a lot of windows. Bryan used to make fun of it. 'It's more window than brick' I could almost hear him say it. But things changed. He is always in there. Training. Nothing else but pushing himself to the limit. Sometimes he stops at his limit. Unfortunately most of the time he pushes himself past it, and gets hurt in the progress.

We stepped out out the car. Finding five other cars on the driveway.

One belonged to my father. His was a silver Chevrolet. With white leather. And a little bumper sticker on the front. He got that sticker from us. The sticker was a picture of him with the text 'worst driver' on it. We didn't expect him to actually put it on his car. It was a joke at first. But now we can't imagine his car without it. When he bought a new one last summer. It was a three day job to remove the sticker from his old car, and put it onto his new one. Somehow we did manage to do it. I still haven't got the slightest idea how.

The one the right of dads car, was our family car. We use it when we go on vacation. It was a dark blue typical family car. With a lot of space for luggage. We needed all the space we could get. As a family of five, we didn't really went far away from home. Bryan and I used to get into a fight after three hours. My mom hated it. She always said. 'You are my children and my children do not fight against each other.' we would joke back with 'But side to side to others' it always made Jasmin giggle. And it would be the end of the fight.

Next to the family car, was my mother's car. Hers was the prettyest according to herself. It was a black 'spy' car. With tainted windows. She got it from her boss. Our family doesn't really talk about what kind of jobs we had. We kept it for ourselves​. Safe in our own minds. I still don't know why. Its not like they are criminal's.

Next to her car from work was her own car. A rental. But that didn't bother any of us. It was red car. With the best seats of all our cars. And it smelled nice. Not like the sweaty paws from Bryan, for a change. Mom was very strict about not trowing off shoes in her car. And you better not try. I smiled by that thought.

The other car non of I recognised. It was a brand new 'fast and furious' car. A sexy orange colour. Black leather seats. a chevrolet. The corvetteZ06 c7 to be exact. My favourite car ever. I only talked about it ever since i was born. I mean damn everyone wants to drive one. We all had a good taste in expensive cars. Street cars. I didn't know who it belonged to so I decided not to stare at it.

"You like it?" My mothers voice spoke behind me. I simply nodded. "Awe come on, is that all I get for buying you a car?" What!! MY car. I let go of a little fan girl scream. "That's a lit better." She commented. I quickly turned around to give her a hug. When I let her go, she held up the keys and tosses them to me. With a big smile I grabbed the keys out of the air and pushed the open button. *bliep* The car opened. I made my way towards it. And strike my hand over the new vehicle my new vehicle.

"Dinner is ready" my dad yelled from the kitchen. We could barely hear him. But decided to obey. I locked my car. *bliep* It was a weird sound. My own car. Crazy enough it was true. I was excited to go on my first ride in my own car. Nothing but silence of my music.

"And, what do you think of your new present?" My dad asked when he put some spaghetti on my plate. "Awesome, thank you so much" I replied as soon as my mouth was empty. The smile on his face was priceless. "I payed for it." My father added before​ my mother could speak. "Thank you for your money." I joked at him. "Hey.. I picked it out for you." my mother stated. "Thank you for your taste in cars."

Jasmin's giggles filled the room. While me and my parents talked about my new present. Bryan and Jasmine were talking about her school day.

My dad sharpens his voice. "We have an announcement to make..." me and my siblings instantly looked at him. Than to my mothers belly. And back to my dad. "No, not that kind of announcement." My mother joked. We all liked to joke a little to much.

Jasmine hated my mothers jokes even worse than my jokes at Bryan. But for the first time she laughed at a joke. She was having a good day. Makes one of us.

"... We are moving to New Orleans.." My father continued. "What!?" My sister's scream interrupted his announcement. "... We found a nice place to stay. It's bigger than this house, you will all get your own bathroom so we have no more fights in the morning over who can shower." I liked that statement. "When are we moving?" I questioned. "Tomorrow morning." my mothers answer was clear. No further questions followed.

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