Chapter 2 New Orleans

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Emily's POV

This morning I woke up for the last time in this wonderful house. The last time. I don't even wanna think about it. All my friends, will still be here.

I texted them right after my parents told me about the whole moving idea. Of course I waited 'till we finished dinner.

A couple of friends came over with candy and a lot of ice cream to 'lighten the pain'. I loved ice cream. It was nice to have friends over my last night here. And the food was delicious. We watched death pool again. Because that was the first movie we saw in the cinema with all of us. Wendy, Niels, Melanie, Emma, Rebekah and Hayes. Most of the time one of us canceled last minute. But not that day. We had so much fun that night. After death pool we had a 'non sleep over' at Wendy's place.

Niels was, and will always be my crush. I'm always so weird around him. I literally have no control. One time he put his hand over my mouth to shut me up, and I (as the freak that I am) licked his hand. He swore never to do that again again. We all laugh so hard. He looked so handsome that day. Like always. I had a major crush on that guy. He was poison to me. With his smokey grey eyes and his dirty blond hair. I fell for him the very first moment I met him.

Melanie was a really close friend. She, Wendy and I always used to go shopping together. We all hated shopping. So we mostly just went for ice cream. And hung in the park next to the mall. Mel's and my parents were old friends from high school. They attended to the same high school as we are in now. Arizona state high school. The simplest name ever to remember. Came in handy, as I kept forgetting stuff easily.

Emma was the shyest of them all. But that wasn't hard. We were very loud people. And stupid enough to do everything people dared us to do. She dares us to go paragliding once. It was THE most awesome thing I had ever done. Unfortunately I broke one of my legs and had to cut it short to go to the nearest hospital. Emma stayed with me that night in the hospital. As I was terrified of everything that had to do with health issues. Doctors. Hospitals. Everything.

Rebekah and Hayes were the couple of the group. They were both very clever. They were neighbours when they met. I had kicked a football in Rebekah's garden. So Hayes had to pick it up for me. And he fell for her. They went on several date's before he had the guts to ask her to be his girlfriend. They have been together ever since. And I never saw them sad again.

Wendy was my very best friend. She stayed the night. She fell asleep crying. I felt so sorry for her. We couldn't have a proper goodbye. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought about not being able to see her whenever I want to. I needed her in my life. She saved me so many times. Only this week she had already saved me 4 times and it's only Wednesday now. I'm gonna miss her so much. She feels like not only a sister but as a twin. We did everything together. The teachers couldn't tell us apart. We liked to make fun of them and troll them untill we both were on the ground laughing and not being able to breath.

"Wake up sleepy head" I yelled at her as I threw a pillow towards her face. She woke the instant the pillow hit her. "Did you really have to throw a pillow?" she asked annoyed. "You know me." I simply replied. She smirked at me. O owhh. Shit. Every single time she makes that face, someone is going to regret what they just did. What it was no idea. But I was about to find that out. "Bitch you shouldn't have done that!" She yelled as the pillow she threw hit my face. We both laughed. "You do know, you just declared war, right?" I yelled back. The pillows flew through my room. What was left of it. My mom had already packed almost everything before we got home yesterday.

"Lady's?" My mother's voice interrupted us. "Breakfast is ready!" She continued. "Yes, I am starving." Wendy said.

In the almost empty house. There were only a few things left. Like our kitchen was still working. For the new house they bought a new kitchen. One of the things my mother decided about the new house. Only the table and a few chairs we sat on were still inside the house.

My mother made pancakes as breakfast. "Here you go." She said as the lovely scent of her home made pancakes reached our noses. Wendy is addicted to pancakes. And she was in love with my mom's. Mother had teached her how to make these pancakes. But she always got over excited and the fresh baked pancake would end up on the ceiling or the floor. Only once she did managed to serve me a pancake. It was even better than when my mom made it.

"I can't believe it." I heard my father say from outside. "It is no big deal dad." Bryan answers. They are fighting about something, again. Yes. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that fights with dad about almost everything. Bryan did a good job on pissing him off lately. By staying away for day's and coming back with girls. Not a single girl we met, returned. I guess he wasn't that good in bed. I smiled at my own joke.

The doorbell rang. Niels. He stood on my doorstep. O my freaking god. Don't flip out. "Hey, you here?' I asked. "I wanted to see you one last time before u take off to New Orleans." "Awe cute." I heard Wendy say. She knew about my crush the very first night I developed it. "Come in." I said, and stepped to the side to give him the opportunity to walk in. As he saw Wendy in her PJ's he looked at me. "Slumber party?" He asked. We nodded.

"Want some pancakes? We have enough for a whole army to feed so please take some" My mother asked/forced him, giving him a plate with three pancakes with blueberry's. I told my mom he liked blueberry pancakes a long time ago. We were both incredibly into blueberry pancakes.

"Why wasn't I invited to the slumber party?" He asked innocently. I couldn't help but smile. "Wouldn't you like to see Emily change." Wendy joked at him. He turned red. O my freaking god don't freak out Emily. Keep yourself calm. I shook of my thoughts. And added: "pervert!" "On your service." He replied as if I called his name. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Niels can you drive me home when they leave?" Wendy asked. "Sure!" He said. They lived only a few blocks away from each other.

We made our way to the moving van's. Me, Bryan, mom and dad. All drove one. I drove the truck with our cars. It was the largest one of them all. *toet toet* were the last thing we heard as we left. It was official. The whole moving thing. We only packed what we needed. Gave a few things away to friends and to shelters. And left the rest. All our beds were still home. the table and the chairs we had breakfast on. As I looked into the mirror I saw the trucks from my mom and dad. And something I wished I didn't see. Wendy and Niels crying. I never saw Niels cry. I felt so sorry for him. I will never see him again.

They did promise me to come over for my birthday next week. I will be turning 18 so we could finally go out at night and visit clubs.

"Are we almost in New Orleans?" Jasmin asked sulking. She wanted to ride shotgun next to me. I felt honored to be hose above Bryan. Haha payback bitch. I thought by myself. "No jassy, we just left town, go to sleep and we will be in our new home before you know it." I simply said. After 5 minutes her snoring filled the cabin of the truck.

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