3. "He's still your husband..."

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When we got to the hospital, I waited with Alexa after they took her x-rays. And then we waited some more until the doctor finally came in to see her.

"Unfortunately the x-rays confirm that she has an ulnar fracture. It is a closed fracture and it is only on the ulnar bone so she will need a cast. Thankfully, the bone is not out of place so she won't need surgery." the doctor told me after examining her.

I sighed in relief. "Okay."

"She doesn't show any signs of a concussion but she will require a few stitches on her forehead and she should take it easy for the rest of the day."

I nodded. "Okay."

I knew I couldn't drive her home like this. I wanted to make sure she was okay while we were here in the city rather than on the road in the middle of nowhere. We would have to stay another day.

He nodded. "Okay. The nurse and I will come in a few minutes to put the cast and stitch her up." he smiled. "Any questions?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you."

He nodded then made his way out of the room. I stared at his white coat as he walked out.

The sound of Alexa crying made me look away. "Are you okay?" I asked as I took a seat on the chair next to her bed.

"It hurts." she mumbled as she sobbed.

"I know, I know." I said as I put my arm around her shoulders. "But you're going to be okay."

The nurse came in a few seconds later followed by Aaron who I noticed had put on a shirt.

"How is she?" he asked as the nurse began to get ready to stitch her forehead.

"She'll spend the night but she's going to be fine." I said although I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince more: him or me.

I stood up and walked to him. "Damian doesn't-" I sighed. "He doesn't work here, right?"

Aaron shook his head. "He doesn't, don't worry."

"Okay." I bit my lip as I nodded. "Okay."

"R-Rebecca." Alexa said nervously as the nurse got ready to stitch her forehead.

I sat back next to her and held her hand on her good arm while the nurse stitched her forehead. It was only three stitches so it wasn't a lot. It got worse when the doctor came back to cast her arm. The pain medication didn't kick in until a few minutes in so she was in pain for the beginning. It was that or she was being overdramatic which was very Alexa.

The procedure took about thirty minutes and she fell asleep shortly after the nurse and doctor left the room. It was a short arm cast so it was only on her forearm and wrapped around her palm and thumb.

The doctor said she would need the cast for about three months with doctor checkups in between. They are going to have to transfer her file to Nevada but I decided to worry about that once we got back.

"You don't have to stay here." I told Aaron.

We were seated next to each other on a couch that was positioned against the wall, to the left side of the bed. Alexa was sound asleep.

"Don't be ridiculous." he looked at me. "You could come with me, to my house."

"Yeah, right."

He shook his head. "I don't know what we did to make you hate us so much."

"I don't hate you."

"Then why did you run away? Without a call? I know you want nothing to do with him but Damian hasn't been himself since you left." He was whispering.

His Runaway Wife [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now