25. "Thanks for noticing."

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Rebecca's POV

Alexa had never looked so beautiful-so mature- than how she looked on her prom night. She was wearing a long, red dress with thin straps and an exposed back. Her hair had been straightened and had been put into a high ponytail, it reminded me of a horse tail. She had black shiny heels and her make-up looked like it had been put on by a professional.

I wanted to cry just by looking at her. It was happening. She was a young lady. A young adult. My little sister wasn't so little anymore.

I tried not to think about how she would be gone to New York in less than 2 months. I wasn't prepared for that yet.

"Rebecca, are you crying?" Alexa asked as she rolled her eyes at me. She reached for a tissue and handed it to me.

"I'm sorry," I said as I composed myself. "You're just-well, you're not a baby anymore."

She raised her eyebrows with a laugh. "Thanks for noticing."

I laughed then smiled sadly. "I just wish mom were here to see you. She would be so proud."

"Stop it or you're going to make me cry and this-" she pointed at her face. "-took hours."

"Okay, right, no crying," I said. "Have fun tonight."

She looked down at her phone. "Tina is here," she said then looked at me as if barely realizing that I won't be going with her. "You're gonna be okay?"

It was my turn to roll my eyes at her. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Enjoy your prom night. Remember to supervise your drinks and don't go into dark alleys alone."

She laughed. "Okay, okay."

I watched from the front door as she walked to her friend Tina's car. She waved at me before she drove off.

I walked back to the house which suddenly felt really lonely. I realized that this was how it would feel when Alexa left for college. Was this how parents felt when all their kids were grown up and left the house?

I locked the door behind me then headed to the living room and cuddled in the couch in front of the TV. I pulled the blanket around me for comfort then reached for the bag of Munchies while I watched TV. They were giving The Office episodes all day which was one of my favorite shows.

I had spent more time on this couch in the last 3 weeks than I ever had in the last 3 years. I had been working from home, only going to the bank one or two days a week just to make an appearance. I hadn't felt like going out.

I hadn't spoken to Damian since that Saturday night 3 weeks ago.

He did call me a few times during the 2 weeks after that day but he hasn't called me at all in 5 days. I knew I had no reason to be mad about that. I had ignored all his calls. Didn't I want him to leave me alone?

The answer was no, of course. It was just that every time I thought I was over our fight, I would remember it and then I would get angry all over again. That Saturday I realized that nothing had changed. Damian was still believing his mother over me. He was putting her first. Despite everything she had done to me, I wished nothing bad to Marianne. She was still Damian's mom. The problem was Damian. He didn't believe me. He still let her put things in his head. He didn't trust me. I knew I was partly to blame for that but it was still not fair. I refused to go back and live the way I was living...even if I lose Damian...

Yet, despite not answering all his calls, I didn't want him to leave me alone. I just didn't want to talk to him a week ago.

Now...now it was different.

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