6. "Sleep with your husband!"

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During the year that Damian and I were married back before I ran away, we lived in his mother's house. It wasn't exactly my decision to make. If I had it my way, I would have asked Damian if we could get a house of our own but Damian was always so busy. If he wasn't studying for an exam, he was worried about patients or talking about his current cases. One of the things I loved about Damian was his passion for his career. It was one of the things that attracted me to him though it was hard to spend time together sometimes.

I didn't want to be another burden on his pile of stress so I put on a smile and lived with his mother and Aaron for the first year of our marriage. Marianne didn't make it easy. She never liked me for his son. She thought I wasn't good enough for him and in the months before I left, I began to believe her. I didn't know what I would have done if Aaron didn't live with us as well. I would have probably left way before I did. Damian was rarely home so he never really saw how Marianne treated me when he wasn't there. Aaron knew and he defended me.

After I left, I vowed to never go back into that house yet here I was three years later stepping into the house that held so many good memories of Damian and I as newlyweds yet just many as bad ones.

The house felt cold and empty as we walked in. There was new furniture. It was white, so white that they were easy to miss between the just as white walls of the living room. The gray carpet contrasted the white. It smelled like lavender, that was new too. I knew Marianne liked to change the fresheners in the house every few months.

It was a one story house so it expanded graciously to the sides. Walking in was the living room with the kitchen and dining room off to the right and then there was a long hallway that led to the bedrooms. There were four of them, if I remembered correctly.

"You okay?" Aaron asked me with a frown.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's just weird being here." I turned to look at him. "And your mother is not going to be here right?"

"Right. Rest assured. She's out of town. She's been out ever since my dad passed away..." he sighed. "Anyway, let's go to the room, shall we?"

Alexa and I followed him down the hall. We passed Marianne's closed door, Aaron's, and then he opened the door of the spare room.

"Err," he glanced down the hall at Damian's door. "You could sleep here too, I suppose."

Alexa yawned. "I'm so exhausted."

She should be. We spent all afternoon walking around Hollywood. This girl didn't have enough. A broken arm didn't slow Alexa one bit. It was fun, I'm not gonna lie and it served as a distraction as well.

Aaron set down the suitcases. "I'm tired too. I'm gonna shower."

"Thank you so much for everything." I told Aaron, sincerely.

He smiled tiredly. "Believe me, Reb, it was my pleasure." He hugged me. "I'm so happy to see you again. Please don't ever disappear again."

I smiled. "Okay."

He pulled away. "Damian will be here soon, I think. He works late."

"I know." I half smiled. "Go rest, don't worry about us."

"There's food in the fridge."

"Are you kidding? We ate everything in sight earlier." I laughed.

He pressed his hand to his stomach. "I know, we're bad. Now I have to hit the gym tomorrow for sure." He walked to the doorway. "Well, I'm gonna shower."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Uh, Rebecca?" Alexa asked. "I'm gonna need a plastic bag." She said raising her cast.

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