Chapter 9

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Matt's PoV

I'm so glad Leo came back to school, I keep stroking his leg I know it's weird of me but I just love him so much, and it's so fucking cute when he blushes profoundly when I do it God I love him way to much for it to be humanly possible, we are eating now it's pasta that's garlic, I don't know how to really explain it but the school has like pasta pots that change flavour everyday I love them, you get a biscuit and drink with it so yay and it's only like £2.50 I forgot the actual price, at our school we pay with our thumb so like we put money on out account at them we put out thumb on this scanner and that how we pay (Author "my school actually has this it's cool af dude, the thumb thing and pasta XD I'm crazy over pasta, fed meh pasta")

"So what was up with you on Saturday" I question Leo glancing over at him and see that he's shovelling pasta in his mouth he's crazy

"Pfft, remember to chew your food before putting more in" I chuckle covering my mouth to try not to make him anxious, he's kinda like a horse always skittish

"I - I'm sorry" he stutters out halfway through swallowing his pasta

"It's fine, I just don't want you to choke" I explain stroking his knee, I see him sweating he's extremely red not just from the fact that I'm stroking his knees

"Are you hot..? Do you want to take your jacket off..?" I question him worriedly

"N - no I'm fine" he's says while pulling his sleeves down further, is he hiding something from me, I pull him up and lead him towards the disabled bathroom so we can have some privacy, I shut the door and lock it

"Are you lying to me..?" I question him slightly annoyed he doesn't trust me enough to tell me what wrong

"I'm not lying" he says while dropping his cane to grasp his left wrist

I walk towards him and try to remove his hands grasp from round his wrist he's surprisingly strong, I finally remove his grasp and pull his sleeve and see bloody diagonal and horizontal cuts along his wrist, it pains me to see that he was this depressed to do this to himself why didn't I protect him I could be stopped it if I just paid more attention too him

"Why, why are you doing this to yourself" I sob out pulling him into and embrace,

"It's not anything for you to worry about" He mutters out turning his head to the side, and trying to push himself out of my embrace

"Yes it is, do you not realise how much I love you" I say holding his head in my hands staring at his closed lifeless eyes, I place a kiss on his forehead

"Wh - what ar - are you do - doing" he stutters out blushing profoundly

"Trying to make you happy so you'll never do this to yourself again" I chuckle enjoying his embarrassment

I pick up his cane and return it to him, I pull down his sleeve and unlock the door he rushes out as fast as he can to try and escape from me, he's so cute when he's embarrassed, everyone kinda of stays out of his way they probably think it's to much hassle to deal with a blind kid, assholes, we go through the day pretty fast and smoothly after what happened at lunch, except some kids where staring at Leo and making silly comments and giggling that he obviously heard if I did

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