Chapter 13

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Matt's PoV

As I walk into the living room I see that Leo has fallen asleep on the couch, I put my hand on the back of the couch as I lean over Leo and place a innocent kiss on his beautiful delicate lips, I push one of my hands under his knees and the other around his shoulders and lift him into a princess style carry, he feels so weightless in my arms it's an odd feeling he defiantly shouldn't be this light especially for a boy his age with puberty and stuff..., as I carry him up the stairs I gently nuzzle his hair looking down at him lovingly, I place him in my bed and lie down next to him and pull the blanket over us, I fall into a deep slumber with no nightmares to be seen the entirety of the night


I wake up and find Leo's body missing from my side, I sit paralysed on my bed in utter dismay of the possible things that could've happened to him, that is until I hear his giggling from downstairs I rush out of my room slamming my door open likely denting the wall, I skid into the living room slipping on the hard wood floor I see Leo, Maggie and James playing sensory games for blind people with bright smiles on all of their faces, I rush towards Leo and pull him in an embrace breathing in his scent and sighing a sigh of relief after I've done so, I settle on the couch still holding him in my arms rocking back and forth breathing every ounce of him in never even imagining the thought of letting him go again... Never having to see him on the verge of death again..

I hear people who I guess are Mira and Charlie but I don't even think of letting go of him, He settles in my arms with a smile of pure bliss on his face he's so damn adorable, I see Mira and Charlie eyeing us from the corner of my eye but in no way are they judging eyes they're happy eyes.. Like they're glad I've found someone I love..? Do they really care that much for my well being

"I love you" I coo into his head forgetting everything around us we are the only humans who exist in the universe in this moment.., out moment

"I l - love you to - too" Leo mutters back snuggling into my chest

We laze around cuddling on the couch, talking in my room about Leo's depression and it won't just go away because of our sudden relationship so I should stay wary about that, and I can leave if I want to because his depression is likely to bring me down and second of he's blind, I refused being blind doesn't change anything your still the same person and with his depression we will just have to work through together carefully and lovingly, we stayed in utter bliss for most of the day except from the serious talk lazy Saturday's are the best the twins have been playing with the many toys Mira and Charlie have bought them, Then the utter bliss is washed away as Charlie and Mira call me into the kitchen and my stomach clenches up anxiously

"Matt sit down" Charlie says with Mira standing behind them both looking as anxious as I am, did they find a dent in the wall from me slamming the door...? do they not want to adopt us anymore because of me..? Are a few of the many questions that flood my mind as they say those words

"Yo - your officially our children we've done all the legal requirements and so it's really now you can live here fully" Charlie says cheerily looking at my reaction to see if I like that fact

"Rea - really, are you sure.." I question in disbelief

"We are sure your amazing children who we would love to adopt, well we've actually adopted you now so.. We did want to" Mira says sternly but lovingly

I jump up our of my seat and run towards them giving them both a cuddle, I'm so happy they decided to adopt us they're such amazing people, I love them so much the twins come running in I notice they have been listening to our conversation by the smiles on their faces we all conjoin in a giant family hug, I excuse myself and rush into the living room and pick Leo into my arms princess style and carry him into the kitchen ignoring his commands to put him down, I bring him into our family hug as we all seem to class him as a part of them family, I place a kiss on his lips beautiful lips rubbing my thumb across them before I do so


We are laying on the couch together Leo cuddled in my lap me stroking his hair repeatedly, after we have ate dinner which was pizza takeaway we just placed ourselves here and haven't move since its so relaxing being with the one you love Mira and Charlie and the twins left somewhere I don't know where but it's nice to imagine we are old enough to have our own house and live together and be deeply in love with each other and have our own family one day, One day we will.

Mira and Charlie and the twins enter the house, the twins come rushing in and clamber onto the couch each sitting at one of my sides, I look at their excited faces confused as to why they're so happy I hear a sudden yelping coming from the hallway and look toward it my face showing an utterly baffled look, I hear skidding on the hard wooden floor and then little ball of fluff comes skidding into the room and runs straight to me and dives in my knee giving me wet sloppy licks all over my face I turn back into a child again for a moment giggling like I'm five a squealing when she licks in my ears

After she's got settled in the house and said hi to everyone me and Leo think of what we should call her as she sit on Leo's lap snoring loudly, I explain to Leo what she looks like from all her markings and everything her one brown eye and her one blue eye then her brown and white coat, I inform him that she's a border collie, After hours of thinking we finally come up with a name we decided we will call her Ivy

Us three together finally all united we are going to fight this tough battle against this cruel world, and we will survive no matter the troubles we come to face we will all stick together and love each other no matter the many hard comes we will be faced with, we will eventually come out to Leo's mum but only when he himself is ready as I don't want to make him more depressed

We will stand united in this hard world, not caring what anyone says that we can't love each other as we are both males this is our life and we can live it how we please to, all three of us drift of into sleep laying on my bed, mine and Leo's legs intwined and Ivy cuddled by our feet we will stay strong and positive that is what we have promised each other

The End

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