Chapter 10

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Matt's PoV

I bolt upright awaken from my slumber suddenly, and see Charlie crouched down at the side of the bed I'm lying on with her hand on my shoulder

"Hey, hey I'm sorry if I shocked you but dinner is ready" Charlie explains calmly

"Hnn, what time is it" I grumble while rubbing my eyes

"7 pm it's a bit late cause you only came over at 6 pm, Are you feeling well enough to come down..?" Charlie questions me while rubbing my back slowly

"Yeah... sorry about the commotion I caused.." I mumble out embarrassed I acted like that

"It's fine, everyone has times when they act like that" She says warmly

I stand up feeling my face getting flushed that they even care for me this much I'm not even their child, they may adopt us but I'll never be related to them and they probably don't even want me just James and Maggie, I know I'm acting like a spoilt brat but I haven't been loved in a parental way by anyone in years, I shuffle towards the door slowly because I'm confused as where to go once I get there, I hear Charlie pushing herself up from where she was crouched at the head of the bed

"Come on follow me, I hope you'll enjoy dinner its spaghetti with meatballs" Charlie asks looking at me as we walk as in to indicate that I do like spaghetti and meatballs my stomach grumbles loudly

"Pfft I'm guessing that a yes" Charlie giggles

"Yes, yes it is, I'm starving" I say enthusiastically

We walk into the kitchen me feeling awkward that I had a breakdown like that in front of everyone, I take a seat in between James and Maggie, the table it's a six seater three chairs on each side, they have obviously been planning to have a big family with the size of this house and everything in it, it's kinda cute that they want a family though and actually planned it all out

The food was delicious it's was a great meal except James and Maggie somehow got covered in meatball sauce so they're having a bath with Charlie right now, I'm snuggled up on the sofa watching tv Mira is in the kitchen washing up I offered to help but she said I should go relax since we are their guests tonight, there's some cartoon on about a dog trying to get out of the house to get his bone he left outside but every time he gets close to leaving a bigger dog smacks him in the face with a plank of wood it's kinda stupid but funny, Mira comes in and sits down on the end of the couch pushing my legs of in the process cause before she came in I was taking up the whole couch, I lift my legs back up and put them across her and stick my tongue out at her

"Cheeky monkey, anyway would you like it if we adopted you and your siblings..?" She questions wearily

"Yeah... I would, but I don't think you would want to adopt me just James and Maggie" I mumble out

"Why would you say that of course we want to adopt you as well" She says looking utterly shocked that i said that

"Bu - but I - I'm fourteen and am just going to get in the way of you guys having a good parent to child relationship with James and Maggie" I stumble over my words feeling tears prick at my eyes trying to escape, why am I so emotional lately

"Who cares that your fourteen, your a wonderful person who deserves a wonderful life that we want to give you and the twins, you've been through enough trauma you don't need to be split up from your siblings" She says firmly not a hint of lies in her voice

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