Part 17 three years later

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Eric woke up in his room and looked at the ceiling.

Well today's my 18 birthday can't believe I've been training to be a bounty hunter for over three years. Eric Thought to himself

Someone knocked on the door and Eric got up and opened It to see Jackie and Gwen.

Happy birthday. Jackie and Gwen both said

Eric Smiled.

Thanks guys. Eric Said

Hey I have something for you. Jackie Said Smiling

What ? Eric Asked Jackie

Jackie handed Eric a comet the super cat comic.

thanks how did you know I loved Comet the super cat. Eric Said 

Well you have a poster of comet so I sorta guessed. Jackie Said Smiling

I got you something too. Gwen Said

What did you get me ? Eric asked Gwen

Gwen pulled out a rifle and gave it to Eric.

Cool. Eric Said

So after today your training is done are you happy. Gwen Said

Yes. Eric Said

So wanna hang out ? Jackie Asked Eric 

Ok but I have to talk with Gwen First. Eric Said

Ok. Jackie Said Smiling

Jackie walked out of my room and I looked at Gwen.

Are you sure you're ok With me dating Jackie ? Eric Asked Gwen

Yes I'm over you and I just wanna be friends. Gwen Said

Ok see you at the ceremony tonight then. Eric Said Smiling

Eric and Gwen walked out of his room and Gwen went to her room well Eric Went with Jackie to the shopping center on the planet.

So wanna get something to eat ? Jackie Asked Eric

Ok I could eat. Eric Said

Eric and Jackie walked into a burger shop and sat down and a cat person walked up.

The usual ? She Asked Eric

Yes Tamie. Eric Said

How about you ? Tamie Asked Jackie

I'll have a burger and fry's with a coke. Jackie Said Smiling

Ok I'll be back with your food In a minute. Tamie Said

You know her ? Jackie Asked Eric

I come here alot. Eric Said

Oh that makes sense. Jackie Said Smiling

So what are you going to do now that you're a bounty hunter ? Jackie Asked Eric

I'm gonna find my old Friends. Eric Said

So when you leaving then ? Jackie Asked Eric

Tomorrow probably. Eric Said

Can I come with ? Jackie Asked Eric

Ok that's fine. Eric Said Smiling

Tamie came back and gave Eric and Jackie there food.

So wanna tell me more about your old friends ? Jackie Asked Eric

Well There's Greg he's a cat person he's a coward but he's smart. Eric Said

He sounds like a buzz kill. Jackie Said

Eric's space adventuresحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن