Part 48 The Final Battle part 1

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Lord Varin's ship landed In a space port and Lord Varin got out with guards holding Clara's hands and dragging her.

Where are you taking me and why Is It so hot ? Clara Asked Lord Varin

So full of questions I always liked that about you Clara all will be answered In dew time. Lord Varin Said

Clara looked down and sighed.

I almost wish I never meet you In that dinner but then I would never of had Eric. Clara Said

Ahhh don't worry about our son he will be joining us In a few days I imagined that's If he cares about your life at all. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin and his guards dragged Cara Into a room with a giant glowing orb and Clara's eyes went wide.

What Is that thing ? Clara Asked Lord Varin

It's the thing that created the universe and It's part of my plan. Lord Varin Said

What Is your plan ? Clara Asked Lord Varin

Clara like I said I will be answered In dew time now stop talking and get some rest. Lord Varin Said

Go to hell. Clara Said

Trust me I was In hell until I found you again my love. Lord Varin Said

Clara's sighed.

I'm not your lover at least not anymore. Clara Said

Lord Varin chuckled.

You'll reconsider what you just said eventually. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin chand Clara to a thrown and put a crown on her head.

                                                             TIMESKIP AND IN ERIC'S SPACESHIP       

Eric was sitting In the planning room with everyone.

So I think I'll take on my father by myself. Eric Said

Eric pointed to Gwen and Abby. 

You two will take care of Lord Varin's guards. Eric Said

Eric pointed at Tony.

And you will save my mother got It. Eric Said

Rose and Greg raised there hands.

Yes. Eric Said

What about me and Greg ? Rose Asked Eric

I want you two to stay and guard the ship. Eric Said

Rose sighed and Greg growld.

But I want to fight. Rose Said

Yeah me too. Greg Said

Sorry but your both kids and I want you too stay safe. Eric Said

Fine we'll guard the ship but we won't like It right Greg. Rose Said

Greg nodded

Ok then since everyone's know what they got to do let's get ready we will be there In a few hours. Eric Said

Sir yes sir. Gwen Said

Yeah whatever. Abby Said

Everyone walked out of the planning room and Eric stopped Abby and Tony.

I saw you two together In my room a few days ago. Eric Said

Yeah why do you care. Abby Said

Listen Abby we could die today and I don't want there to be bad blood between us can we put the past where It belongs. Eric Said

Eric's space adventuresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang