Part 39 Rescue Eric

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Abby was flying the ship with everyone In the back Greg looked at Rose.

Are you afraid ? Greg Asked Rose

What do you think my father has been taken to who know's where. Rose Said

Greg grabbed Rose's hand then looked at her.

Don't worry we'll save him. Greg Said

 Rose looked at Greg and smiled.

I hope we do. Rose Said

Ellen looked at them.

Don't worry guys let's play go fish or something till we get there.Ellen Said

Sure I guess so how does Abby know where Eric Is ? Rose Asked Ellen

Ellen pulled out the cards then started to shuffle them.

Well apparently she put a tracking device on him one night when he was sleeping. Ellen Said

Why ? Greg Asked Ellen

Well She didn't want to lose him so that's what she did. Ellen Said

Ellen dealt the cards then they started playing.

I thought Tavoni was clinge. Greg thought to himself

                                                              A FEW HOURS LATER 

Abby walked Into the back to see an angry Rose yelling at Ellen.

YOU CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rose Yelled

NO I DIDN'T YOU'RE JUST A SOUR LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ellen Yelled

Will you both calm down. Greg Said

Tell her not to cheat then. Rose Said

I didn't. Ellen Said

Guy's were gonna be there In half an hour so get ready. Abby Said

Rose and Ellen got up.

I'm gonna go take a shower. Ellen Said

No I'm gonna. Rose Said

Fuck off. Ellen Said

Ellen and Rose both ran Into the bathroom then started yelling at each other.

What's their problem. Greg Said

Abby shrugged then walked back Into the cockpit to see Lord Varin's ship getting closer.

Were coming Eric don't worry. Abby Said

                                                            LORD VARIN'S SHIP

 Eric was sitting In his cell and looking at the ground.

There's no way he's my father. Eric thought to himself

Gwen walked up to Eric's cell and opened the door and walked In with food and water.

I've brought you some nourishment. Gwen Said

Leave It and go. Eric Said

Gwen glared at him.

What's your problem. Gwen Said

Well let's see I'm stuck In the fucking cell and one of my closest friends betrayed me. Eric Said

Screw you. Gwen Said

Eric looked at Gwen.

What happened to you I mean after we got back from burgon 3 you've become a fucking bitch. Eric Said

Gwen's eye twitched.

N...Nothing now take your food and water. Gwen Said

Gwen gave him his food and water then walked out of the cell and closed it.

That was weird maybe she being mind controlled. Eric Said

Eric ate his food then drank the water then layed down and stared at the ceiling.

This fucking sucks. Eric Said

Eric closed his eyes and fell asleep after half an hour there was a big bang and Eric got up and ran over to his door.

What was that. Eric Said

Nothing probably just an asteroid shut up. The Guard Said

Jackass. Eric muttered

Eric walked back to his bad and sat down and sighed.

I've got to get out of here. Eric thought to himself  

Eric looked around but didn't see and airvent or any other way out. 

They got this place looked up good. Eric thought to himself

After a few minutes the door flew open then Abby and Rose ran In Eric went wide eyed then smiled.

DAD!!!!!!!!! Rose Yelled

Rose tackled Eric Into a hug.

I missed you too. Eric Said

Rose let go then Abby walked up and hugged him then kissed him.

Did you miss me. Abby Said 

Eric smirked.

You know It. Eric Said

Eric Rose and Abby ran out of the cell and saw Greg and Ellen killing the last of the guards.

Hey guys. Eric Said

Greg and Ellen turned and smiled.

hey Eric It must have sucked to be stuck In that cell. Greg Said

Hell yeah It did. Eric Said

Ellen walked up to Eric and punched him In the shoulder.

Ow what was that for. Eric Said

That was for worrying me. Ellen Said

Ellen pulled Eric Into a hug.

And this Is because your ok. Ellen Said

Eric blushed then Abby glared at Ellen.

Well well what a nice reunion such a shame I'll have to ruin It. Someone Said

Everyone turned to see the Lord Varin standing there and smirking.

So mind telling me your name's ? Lord Varin Asked Them

It's none of your business. Abby Said

Lord Varin teleported In front of Abby and looked her In the eyes.

What Is such a nice girl like you doing here ? Lord Varin Asked Abby

You kidnapped my boyfriend that's way. Abby Said

So you'r my son's mate huh he certainly knows how to pick them. Lord Varin Said

Everyone but Eric's eyes went wide.

That's a lie there's no way you're Eric's father. Abby Said

Clara. Lord Varin Said

Eric eyes went wide.

HOW DO YOU KNOW HER NAME!!!!!!!!!!! Eric Yelled

Everyone looked at Eric.

D...Dad what's wrong ? Rose Asked Eric

Clara Is my mom's name and If he knows her name he must be my father there's no other way. Eric Said

Eric glared at Lord Varin.

I don't care If you are my father I'll kill you. Eric Said

Bring It son. Lord Varin Said

Eric jumped at Lord Varin and punched him In the face.

                                                        END OF CHAPTER

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