Ch. 12: Something About You

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Something About You- Majid Jordan

"I'm ready if you want, I'm ready to take you on."


Jake has become more annoying by the day with his antics. I can already hear his car running when I'm walking to my house. Again, Lauren had practice. I didn't mind; I didn't want to see her face anyways since she seemed to be lying to me for some odd reason.

"Dawn can you please get in the car!" He yells through his car window. I don't say anything. I continue to walk. Again, he speaks. "Let me just finish my part in the project, and we don't have to talk to each other ever again."

His words sounded appealing. But I knew he was lying; however; I don't want to do the project all by myself. I didn't want to be near him either because stupid Kelsey came out the of his car, it just made me wounded. But it's not like we were anything, it was just a kiss. I keep telling myself that, but I know what he did was wrong. Alcohol was added to my wounds when his words told me how he felt nothing about the kiss.

It's not his fault he didn't feel anything, but it just hurt knowing I felt something entirely more on a different level then he did. Then again it'll buy me time with the project, and then I can go to the get together at Dawson's house and show Lauren what an actual liar she really is. The odds outweigh each other, but I really want to show Lauren up. I don't say anything. Instead, I turn on my heel and open his car door. I sit there quietly and wait for him to start driving.

I'm still pissed about what he said earlier. His cruel words made me shed tears earlier, and I hate crying over stupid shit. But what did I expect exactly? Him to ask me on a date? Ha! I laugh at that nonsense. Besides, I would never want to go out with someone by the name of Jake Dennings.

"So are you going to be quiet for the rest of the day?" He asks me.

I don't respond but shrug. He pulls in my driveway, and we get to the front door. Again, I struggle to get it open, but I finally release the hinges.

Suddenly I have a thought. This thought would quite make me happy if Jake did this. I want to see his eyes.

When he's about to enter my door, I propose my predicament. "Take off your glasses."

"No." He furrows his brows in confusion.

"Fine," I say. He'll see what's to come. I walk up the steps, and he closes the door behind him harshly. He seems frustrated for some odd reason, and I can't help but smile to myself that I'm making him frustrated by not talking to him. Ignoring him never felt better than today. I grab my laptop, and I unlock it for him.

I sit down, and I face away from him. He finally reaches my bedroom and sits there in silence.

"You're really giving me the silent treatment?" He asks.

Again, I don't say anything, but I point to my laptop for him to do his part. I won't speak to him unless he takes his glasses off. I don't even look at him, but glance at my phone now and then to play a game on my phone.

About 45 minutes pass when he finally groans out. "Can you please talk to me. The silence is killing me. I need help with the project."

Again, I shrug. I am not giving him the satisfaction. I guess no ones ever said no to him before...

He sighs loudly. "Fine." He pauses. "I'll take my glasses off. Only if it's dim though."

I find myself smiling again. I stand up and close my curtains. I put my dim lights on, and sit back on the bed, this time facing Jake.

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