Ch. 31: Everything Will Be Alright

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Everything Will Be Alright- The Killers

"I believe in you and me, I'm coming to find you if it takes me all night. Run until you make it right, and I won't forget you. At least I'll try and run and run tonight."


Disappointment filled me to the brim as I woke up this morning. The bright side was I got my phone back, the bad news was Jake couldn't come over today. He said he had "business" to take care of.

I knew he didn't want to tell me the content of the matter, but I felt that I deserved to know at least.

We weren't just benefits anymore. We were something more then he would ever like to admit. I at least knew it, I just needed to have the guts to tell him about how I felt. I don't know if I wanted an actual "relationship" between us, but... maybe an acknowledgement about us. Something more... but not as much as an actual relationship... in fact, I didn't even know what I even wanted anymore.

I needed to keep these thoughts to myself.

A knock at my window had me startled, it was Alice. A bright smile across her face.

I roll my eyes at her playfully, but I open the window for her. She tumbles in once again at the floor.

"You know my mom's not here. You could of knocked on my actual door."

"That wouldn't be fun, now would it." She stands at her feet. "Reese's here. She's too chicken to climb a window."

I peek out my window, and see Reese wave up. "Can you open your front door!" She yells up to me.

I laugh at her, but rush downstairs for her to come up.

We all somehow gotten into my secret stash of ice cream that I hide from myself. I didn't know much about Reese, but from when we've hanged out she seemed very nice and very weird in a sense. She was very beautiful, but quite a quiet one. More quiet then me, and that says something.

Her curly hair complimented her tan complexion. She was a mixed beauty, and I couldn't deny the jealousy I had for her. Her hair reaching her butt slightly, and her eyes were almost the shade of hazel.

"So you've talked to Lauren?" Alice asks me suddenly.

I blink hard, and stare at my half eaten ice cream. "No. Why should I?"

"Oh I don't know Dawn, you're best friends with her." She says matter a factly.

"She didn't cover for me like I told her to."

"Yeah and..."

"I just..." I didn't want to say how exactly I felt, in fear of what Alice would say since she is friends with Lauren.

"What?" Reese pipes in.

"It's just lately, she's been very different with me." I stir my ice cream in distraction.

"Yeah... but it was a mistake for telling your mom the truth." Reese says. "Right?"

"That's what I want to believe."

"Maybe it was for your own good." Alice says.

"What does that mean?" I furrow my brows at her.

"Maybe a lesson." Alice says hopefully.

"I've always covered for her even when she hasn't asked me, and the one time I'm doing something, she decides it's best for me to learn something."

That surely shuts them both up. I couldn't believe Reese was defending her anyways, Lauren's been nothing but rude. Which has driven Reese to not even hangout with me. Now that Lauren is out the picture, Reese is now in it.

BenefitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora