Chapter 15

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Aurin squinted into the sun as leaves swirled from the air current generated by the wing beats of the massive creature trying to land. Tempest wove herself around his ankles and chirped excitedly. Aurin waved excitedly at the cloaked figure atop the dragon's back, wondering what had brought such an exotic oddity to the rural countryside. He had watched the magnificent blue-green creature circle overhead for hours and followed her flight path, hoping he would get to see her up close when she landed. The dragon was massive, at least fifty feet from nose to tail, with a stunning wingspan wider than her body was long. She gracefully tucked her neon orange and yellow wings in at her sides and lowered her head for her rider to dismount. The rider slid down from the dragon's back and lifted the hood from his face and looked at Aurin with scrutiny. The rider was a tall well muscled Withyr Sprite with dark blue fur and penetrating red and gold eyes, like a hero straight out of a legend.

"Hi there! We almost never see dragons in these parts. What brings you here?" Aurin asked the dragon rider.

"Family business." The rider said, and Aurin was instantly more curious than before.

"Do ya' need a place to stay? There's a well nearby where you can water your dragon. What's her name? It's a she dragon, right?" Aurin replied excitedly. The dragon opened the frills around her face a little bit wider and stretched out her neck to get a closer look at the inquisitive farm boy.

"Her name is Glaedyn. And what would your name be, kid?" The rider asked not unkindly.

Aurin looked up, beaming in delight at the thought that a dragon rider would want to know his name, and he squared his shoulders, stood up tall, and said, "I am Aurin. And this is my dragon, Tempest."

"She isn't a dragon, kid." The rider said, approaching closer to examine Tempest.

"Then what is she?" Aurin asked, somewhat nervous and somewhat excited.

"She's a basilisk, kid, and she'll grow to be quite the menace. However, maybe there's a chance..." The rider replied, deep in thought.

"A chance of what?" Aurin asked

"Every living thing has a birthright to choose. And that's why I'm here. I'm tracking my brother to fix what was broken long ago, and...I hope he'll reconsider the path he chose." The rider said.

"This village will fall very soon. We aren't strong enough to fight the coming storm. You can water and feed your dragon here, but soon there won't be anything left." Aurin said, looking down and wishing he had more to offer.

The rider knelt down and looked into Aurin's eyes and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to stand and fight." Aurin replied shakily.

"Then fight, but not here. I've caught word that the palace is preparing an effort. I don't have time to train you, but maybe you could be of use." The rider said, standing to his full height.

"But how? And what about the village and my Da? I can't let them die!" Aurin replied.

"The palace is mere minutes away by dragon. And Glaedyn could easily carry many at once. We can bring them to where they are most likely to survive. I've been gathering villagers from around these parts and it isn't much of a detour." the rider said.

"How can I ever thank you?" Aurin asked

"Don't die." The rider replied with a nod.

"When do we start?" Aurin asked.

The rider smiled kindly and said, "Ever flown a dragon?"

But before Aurin could answer, the rider motioned him to follow and soon he was seated upon the dragon's back.

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