Chapter 18

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"Miraj?" Vaskin called again.

"What is it?" Miraj asked.

"I think Khashmyr's cooking killed my insides. It hurts. Can I have some medicine?" Vaskin asked.

"Clout, can you check his pupils? I think he got a minor concussion." Miraj said as she finished stitching up Kaeoryn's first wound.

"What's a come-cushion?" Vaskin sleepily asked.

"What you definitely have. Now please sit still. Clout is gonna' check your eyes for me." Miraj gently replied.

Clout reluctantly walked over to Vaskin and looked at his eyes, before saying, "Are his pupils supposed to be the same size?"

"Yes." Miraj replied.

"They're not." Clout said.

"Miraj, I want medicine." Vaskin said.

"Drink some water." Miraj replied.

Vaskin was quiet for awhile, and Miraj was able to patch up another one of Kaeoryn's injuries which was a broken arm.

Soon Sorrelle ran into the room after hearing word that they had found her husband. As soon as she saw him, she buried her face in her hands and said, "You always have to show off with a large number of injuries in a fight, don't you?"

"Sorrelle...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I...left you." Kaeoryn wheezed.

"Oh, come here you. I know you're going to live through this, right? The Empress is having a grand celebration to celebrate the living and honor the fallen soon. And if your name is on that list of the fallen, I'll...I'll...I'll bring you back just to slap you for dying! Please don't leave me a second time!" Sorrelle said, before asking Miraj if there was anything she could do to help. Miraj had Sorrelle help her pull pieces of arrows and debris out of his chest and shoulders, and soon they were ready to bandage him. Clout sat and watched, wanting to say something but not knowing how Sorrelle would react if she knew who he was after the reaction he had gotten from Manx. When Miraj pulled the last shard of glass out of Kaeoryn's shoulder, she said, "If he can just hang on a little longer, he might have a chance."

Clout smiled happily, Glaedyn still sitting awkwardly behind him not knowing what to do. Vaskin sat patiently, until when they were done with Kaeoryn, and then he said, "Where's Manx?"

"She left." Miraj said.

"She should be here." Vaskin said slowly.

Miraj assigned Sorrelle to pull the arrows out of Clout's back while she walked over to Vaskin, held up two fingers, and said, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"One bunny rabbit." Vaskin said. Miraj sighed and said, "No. It's two fingers. Now let's try again."

"It's a three eared bunny rabbit now." Vaskin said, when she held up a third finger.

"Okay, I guess this proves you can still count." Miraj replied.

She then held up four fingers and said, "How many fingers is this?"

"A two headed bunny rabbit." Vaskin said slowly.

Miraj then held up one finger and asked, "Okay, now how many fingers this time?"

"One narwhal." Vaskin confidently replied.

"How hard did you hit your head?" Miraj asked him, worried that she hadn't gotten to treating him soon enough.
"Lyrica hard." Vaskin said, clenching his fist.

"I can see that. You hit the floor really hard, and the force that pushed you backwards broke your ribs a little." Miraj said.

"It hurts crazy awful." Vaskin said.

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