Chapter 17

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After a few hours of scouring the battlefield for any survivors, the infirmary was packed with limitless injuries. Because Miraj had badly injured her left hand it was even harder for her to keep up with the count of the wounded. She and the others who were capable enough had divided those who were hurt into groups depending on the critical level of injury so that those most in need could be tended to first. Miraj knew that many of the wounded would not make it through the night, but she had to try. Miraj delegated responsibilities to all who were not fatally injured to help with the more severe cases. But she was afraid that many of the severe cases needed someone with intense medical training.

"Excuse me! Does anyone in this room have any medical experience?" Miraj called out, while tending to a patient who had lost an arm and a leg.

"I have experience causing medical issues, so technically that counts." The Kapybara piped up from the back of the room.

"I guess you could help with the cases requiring amputation." Miraj replied glumly.

"Oh. In that case..." The Kapybara said, before Miraj heard a large whacking sound.

Miraj spun around in alarm, to see the Kapybara smiling and holding up the lower portion of her own right leg from just below the knee.

"I do believe I'm bleeding. Would you mind grabbing me some bandages?" The Kapybara said calmly. Miraj was stunned beyond words, and when she finally regained her senses, she rushed over with some bandages and said, "How could you do that? It's completely stupid and dangerous to just chop off your own leg like that! And we have already seen enough horrors! Why in all the Valdt did you...Never mind."

"I cut it where there would be the least long term damage. It was no use any more, all full of sword shrapnel and the like. And I cut it too far back for any infection. Now I can make myself a metal leg. Much more useful." The Kapybara said, bandaging the end of the amputated leg.

"Now we have to properly dispose of the part you chopped off to prevent others from infection! And we don't even have a disposal system set up yet!" Miraj said.

"I'll just keep it for my collection." The Kapybara replied. Miraj stared at her with a look of disgust, before turning away, shaking her head, and going back to the patient she was attending to.

"I can do other amputations if you like!" The Kapybara called enthusiastically.

"No thank you. I think you've done enough of those on the battlefield." Miraj replied.

"Then how else am I supposed to amuse myself?" The Kapybara asked

"How about something that doesn't involve the severance of limbs or any other body parts for that matter, something harmless and quiet that doesn't get in my way. Deal?" Miraj said, beginning to lose her temper.

"But I can't think of anything that meets those requirements that is fun!" The Kapybara complained.

"Well, how about you try, I dunno, arts and crafts? Maybe you could sew something. There are plenty of needles and thread in here, and I am sure you could find something to sew." Miraj said.

The Kapybara thought for a moment, before her face lit up with excitement like a christmas tree. And for awhile she was very very quiet, concentrated on working on something. Miraj was relieved to return to business as usual, and she was able to make significant progress tending to the injured.

Not long after that some of the palace medics came to her aid in tending to the injured and Miraj was able to relax a little more, And when she had almost forgotten that the Kapybara was even in the room, she heard a loud blood curdling scream.

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