Chapter 6- Espionage

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It didn't take long for me to get to the Capital, flying as mist is very efficient that way; however, I was frozen before I could enter the city because of the memories that flooded my mind. I had barely been 300 when I first entered the city, and for a banshee, that was the equivalent of turning 18, so I had been nervous and totally out of my depth.

Zaratras had greeted me at the palace, and he was the first one to treat me like a normal person, rather than someone to be feared and mistrusted. I immediately warmed up to him, and when the King offered me a position with the Eight Deadly Sin's, Zaratras was the one to convince me to join, despite the dislike of the Capitan.

I remembered running through the streets with Gilthunder, playing all sorts of games and hiding from our responsibilities while being pursued by the royal guard. So many memories flooded me that I reformed and had to sit down in a field close to the city; I leaned my head against my knees and took several calming breaths as I sorted through my memories one by one.

I probably would have stayed there a lot longer, but I felt a surge of almost demonic power coming from the city, which reminded me of why I was there. I jumped to my feet and transformed again, not wanting to draw attention to myself so quickly; I flew towards the source of the power and nearly ran into a stone wall. I sighed as I realized that the source of the power was underground; I was about to leave to find an entrance when I saw that there were a bunch of Knights beneath me, looking bored while a small mob of townsfolk gathered around them, acting really excited.

"I can't believe I get to become a Holy Knight's apprentice, isn't this going to be so exciting Marge?" "Yeah, with the Seven Deadly Sins coming back, it'll be good for the kingdom to have more knights to protect it."

The comments continued below and an idea sparked a smile. What better way to find information than to join the organization that was responsible for most of what happening right now. Plus, how ironic would it be to have a notorious sin secretly signing up with the kingdom that wants her dead. Oh, Ban would have a field day with this.

I reformed a little way outside of the square and walked up to the Knights, "I would like to sign up please."

One of the Knights looked at me condescendingly, "Little Lady, we are looking for people to defend the kingdom, not to knit our socks."

If I hadn't been undercover, I would have punched that man's lights out for being such a sexist pig; as it was I simply smiled sweetly and replied, "Well I'm sure that someone would be willing to knit for you, but I've always been better with a sword; I'd be willing to show you, if you wanted, it might help you pull your head out of your ass." He looked at me a bit shocked while his partner smirked at me.

"Good for you lass, I haven't seen anyone tear him down that shamelessly since basic training!" the pig glared at his companion who continued chuckling. "Here's the forms you'll need to sign, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for training." He handed me papers and turned to someone else who wanted to sign up. I sent a smirk to the pig and then turned away to get started on the paperwork


When the next morning dawned, I found myself in a line of men being scrutinized by several Holy Knights; several people seemed surprised that a woman had signed up, and were eying me cautiously. I simply sent them small smiles, then ignored them; bringing my focus back to the Knight in front of us.

"Listen up maggots, you all have signed up to defend the kingdom, but right now you are of no use to anybody. Over the next several months we will turn you into soldiers who are still not worth very much! For those of you hoping that you will get an easy ride to being a Holy Knight THINK AGAIN!" Spit flew from the instructor's mouth as he bellowed at us.

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