All I Could Do Is Cry

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I was in shock,I was a loss for words all I did was nod and go to one of the pack mothers and told her that he said make me look 'presentable' for the occasion.

I wasn't upset because only a few or alreast like 3 people in the pack were actually nice to me.Leslie and her mom Lynda and her little sis Katie.

"Honey i'm so sorry you have to go through this, if there's anything I can do to make you feel better just tell me"Lynda said trying to make me feel better.

"It's ok Lynda, I wasn't what he wanted so he rejected me.Just another disappointment to add to my long list."I said letting out a big sigh.

Then a small drop a blood came from my arm and dripped on the floor.Shit I forgot to change my gause. "Chrissy, you promised you would stop doing that"she said letting tears fall her eyes and also mine while she hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry, it just hurts so bad and I feel numb and I know no one would care if i'm gone anyway"I said stifling threw my tears.

She cupped my face with her hands "Baby your wrong.I would care, Leslie will care your her only other friend here,and Katie loves you dearly"she said as she used her thumb to slightly rub away a stray tears.

"Promise me you will stop.Can you do that,for me? "she said with a pleading look in her eyes.

"I'll try"I said in a whisper tone.

"Ok,now stop all that crying so I can make you look more beautiful than you already are."she said as she began time do my makeup and hair.

When she was done I started to cry again,I couldn't even recognize myself."Who is that?"I said shaking my head in disbelief that this was me.

"That's you Chrissy"she said wiping away her own tears. "You look beautiful, now stop crying before you mess up your make up along with mine."she said with small smile.

When I looked in the mirror one last time I saw a whole new me,instead of my long black dirty hair it was now washed,curled and smelled like vanilla. Also my face didn't look dirty anymore I had eyeliner and blush with a small touch of pink lipstick.

"Here put this on"she said as she lightly shoved me in the bathroom with a dress while she got the others ready.

I was a white dress that came up to about mid thigh high with a lace pattern on to with white roses on it that hugged me ever so slightly.And the she opened the door slightly and put her arm through and placed down some small white flats.

I had also brought a small thin white sweater because I had to cover up my markings. When I stepped out I saw Leslie and Katie getting ready and as soon as she saw me her jaw dropped.

"Chrissy you look gorgeous! "she said as she ran and hugged me tight.

"you wuk pwetty chissy"Katie tried to say.

"Thank you,and Katie you look very pretty also."she giggled as her small cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

As I walked down stairs I heard a whole bunch of gasps, and then saw my father in a dark gray suit turn around in shock as we'll.

"C-chrissy?"I was wide eyed for a second this is the first time in a long while hes called me by my nickname. I smiled and slightly nodded.

"You look so much like your mother"he said with tears in his eyes as he ran to me and took me in a bear hug and for the first time I hugged back.

At wedding I felt mostly stares and heard whispers, the usual I thought with a sigh.The wedding had to be the worst experience in my life. It reminded me of the song from a movie awhile back that Leslie would sneak and watch with me.
So here I am at the reception, just moping and sitting in the corner waiting for Alpha Blake to come.

As soon as he came in the smell of Pine trees and axe filled my nose again,and right behind him trailed my ex-mate and his wife Victoria. Yup,Victoria they lied and said that she was his true mate and I was obsessed with him that's why I lied.

He asked one of the bridesmaids where I was and she pointed to where I was sitting. They walked over to me and my father came also.

"Hello, Christina your father tell's me you have something to tell me and my son,and now more importantantly his wife."he said introducing them as he spoke.It took all my strength not to cry while talking.

I let out a sigh"Yes,Alpha Blake, Ryan and Victoria I apologize for my sudden outburst which caused such a commotion with the lie that I told.Also,Victoria you look very beautiful today"

It was true she was beautiful, but it was just her personality and things she did that made her ugly. She smirked and looked at me while Ryan was trying not to pay attention.

"Flattery will get you no where in life,and it's Luna to you."I really wanted to slap her.

"It's quite alright child, you will find your mate one day."he said patting my shoulder before turning to the crowd and screaming.

"ALRIGHT NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM TO DANCE!"Everyone went to their seats and watched as the two danced in the center or the room.

But part that tore me up the most was when they sealed the dance with a kiss. I just got up and walked out then ran into the forest and shifted.

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