They Always Come Crawling Back

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[not edited ]


She weakly kept banging on my chest trying to push me away with tears down her cheeks saying "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."

I didn't let go I just held her tighter, she finally stopped and hugged me back sobbing into my chest.



It's been a week since the attack the and the big blow out that happened afterwards.


I quickly regained my composure and pushed him off,got up and limped over to Sebastian's crib.

I smiled weakly,he had fallen back to sleep after all the trouble cooled down. I then limped over to where my three hurt bestfriends in the corner.

I checked their pulses, they were all still breathing. They began to stur and all woke up one by one. Soon as they were all up I embraced them in a big hug.

"I thought I lost you guys."I said sniffling.

"Were all good."Ashley said stretching away.

"Just a little banged up,but fine nonetheless."Ally continued.

"How's Bassy?"Zakiya asked. I held my urge to roll my eyes at the nickname they gave my son.

"He's fine. He was just a little scared at the moment but he's sleeping now."I reassured her.

I was about to say something else until I heard an annoying high-pitched voice screaming.



Oh hell no. I looked around to see that Adrian wasn't in here.Probably for the best because i'm really about to snap right now.

"Grab Bassy,and come with me.She could have been working with the people who attacked us and could have re-enforcements."They nodded and grabbed the baby stuff and Sebastian.

I ran downstairs and saw Briella trying to push pass gaurds but was failing miserablely.

I clenched fists as my heart rate started to increase and my fangs were coming out.

"Enough!"I said in with so much power and venom in my voice,and all the commotion seemed to freeze.

She pushed threw them and stood infront of them. Now me and her were facing each other.

Adrian randomly showed up and stood next to Zakiya and the twins. As soon as our eyes connected he turned pale. Good.Be scared.

"Adrian baby, i'm here to take you back! You know I love you!"she screamed as if we were all not.RIGHT FUCKING INFRONT OF HER!

"I don't want you,and never did you were always just a screw. Never even that good."He said trailing off.

"Adrian?"I spoke innocently.

"Yeah baby?"didn't I tell him not call me that?

"SHUTUP. I got this."I said in a harsh tone, and he soon got silent and sat down.

Brella scoffed. "You really think you can beat me? "

"I don't think, I know."I snarled at her.

She then shifted into her wolf, it was small and ugly. I fell on the floor and had tears in my eyes from laughter.

I stood and wiped the tear away with my in index finger sighing one last time. "Ok,ok enough playing around."I said putting my hands up in surrender even though I wasn't.

I then shifted into Aviaonna,who was way bigger than her little pip squeak self.

'This is gonna be fun.'Aviaonna said with a big wolfy grin.


I sat and watch as they began to walk around each other even though Chrissy was way bigger than Briella.

Brandon then nudged my side and said "Aren't you gonna stop this?"

"She said it's fine."I said shrugging my shoulders.

"You know your so dead once this is over right?"Warren said joining in.

I soon turned white when I seen Chrissy give me a menacing stare and then mind-linked me.

'You know this is not over, expect the couch as your knew best friend. The whole time i'm beating her up i'm imagining she is you,so hopefully I don't personally castrate you.'

My heart rate began to speed up, and looked at my two friends and were laughing.

"I'll take that as a yes"Warren said patting my shoulder walking away saying.

"I'll pray for you."


She then lunged for me and I quickly moved to the side. She crashed her head into a wall and shook it off.

{S/N:if you're wondering the pack house is really big, and since they are about to fight things were moved out of the way.}

I stiffled a small snicker and then bit into her side as she jumped at me again.

She yelped in pain as I threw her across the room.She tried to stand but limped a little.

I really should just kill her but i'm not that type of person, and I won't do that while my baby is in the room. Bad parenting.

I then turned to Zakiya and mind linked her.

'Get me some shorts a bra and a sheet.'she furrowed her eyes when I said 'sheet' but obeyed anyway handing Sebastian to Ally and dashing upstairs.

She came back quick fast and tossed me the items I requested.I grabbed the things in my mouth,went into the kitchen and shifted back putting the clothes on and walked out with the sheet in my hand.

"SHIFT. NOW."I yelled at her she whimpered and obeyed.

I threw the sheet ontop of her before she did and scrunched up my face at the thought of seeing her naked.Eww.

She stood wrapping the sheet around her small no- tit having self. Gosh what did he even see in her?

"I will tell you one time,and one time only.Leave this pack and never come back, I here by banish you. I see you anywhere near this territory,Adrian,or especially near my baby I won't hesitate to kill you on sight."she just stood there with a blank expression.

"DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"she flinched and nodded hesitantly.

"NOW BEGONE WITH YOU!"she didn't have to be told twice as she ran out the door. But be for she left she said something I couldn't hear.

Sorry if you expected a huge dangerous or crazy fight scene to happen. I just wanted to add a little humor to the story.

I hope Adrian doesn't think he's off the hook that easy.

I wonder what she said before she left?

And who also enjoys Chrissy's new found confidence??

And Briella naked? Eww.Just.Eww

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