Welcome To The World

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[not edited]

['Yall gon be like 0o0 when you see what's coming up]


"Come on let's go tell everyone"



I had mind-linked everyone that there was a pack meeting and me and Chrissy walked in hand and hand. I could tell she was nervous by the way she was gripping my hand.

'It will be alright.' I mind linked her.

She suddenly relaxed, but I could tell she was still a little nervous.

We walked in and everyone turned there attention to us.

"I called this meeting to discuss to important things...One there are rogues going around so stay alert and contact me if your in trouble."I paused then smirked.

"Two, Me and your lovely Luna will be excepting a bundle of joy and a new member to the pack"They all stood and 'whoood'

Then my father came and patted me on the back saying "Good job son."

While mother engulfed Chrissy in a big hug than ran away screaming "I'M A GRANDMA!!"

I told to go upstairs and I meet her up there so I could discuss some things with Warren and Brandon about the rogues when someone cleared there throat.


"So you got the bitch pregnant"she scoffed. "She doesn't even know the first thing about being a Luna."

I suddenly became enraged and grabbed her by her throat against the wall.

"You will not speak about her that way."

I saw her turning blue so I dropped her.She looked up at me panting and said "I will be Luna, and this isn't over."

"Get out of my sight Briella!And don't go anywhere near Christina or I will have banished!" she rolled her eyes and left saying "what ever."


[S/N: I'm going to skip to the birth because wolf pregnancys are not that long.]

...five months later.

Me,Zakiya and the twins were in the living room watching a movie when I felt a puddle around my feet.

"Did you just pee?"Zakiya asked looking down at floor than up at me.

Then I felt a huge pain in my stomach.

"AHHH..no I think the baby wants out!"

"What!?"the twins screamed as a union.

"DON'T JUST SIT THERE CALL OR MIND LINK SOMEONE!"the whimpered at my tone.

"Sorry, it... just...really...hurts. Please do something"they nodded still looking a bit shoken up.

Then the door burst open and Adrian fell in and looked at me with wide eyes and rushed to my side as they placed me on the floor with a pillow under my head.

"Did you contact Dr.Phillip?"Zakiya nodded.

"What are you gonna name it?"she asked.

"Sebastian... if.. a.boy..and- AHH."I said in short breaths as another contraction came.

"And Lola for a girl,God where is she?"Adrian said looking around for the doctor.

I screamed again, and then softly chuckeld when Adrian screamed "No!Not yet stay inside your mother till she get's here!"

"Sorry i'm late, now i'm gonna need you to push okay Chrissy?" I nodded as she lifted up my dress I was currently wearing.

"Adrian hold her hand, and Chrissy on 3 okay"I nodded again grabbing his hand hopefully i'm not gonna break it in the process.

"Okay.. one..two..push!"I screamed in pain and gripped on Adrian's hand for dear life.

"I HATE YOU,YOU DID THIS TO ME!"I screamed and pushed again.

"I know baby, I know now push one more time he or she is almost here.."he said rubbing my back for support.

I pushed one more time until I heard the faint screams of my baby.

"It's a boy!"Dr.Philip screamed wiping him off and putting him in a small blue blanket.

"Can I hold him?"I said out of breath reaching for my baby.

He was so adorable. He had my black hair, peach fuss of coarse and Adrian's blue eyes.

He did a little yawn and I 'awwed' at him.

Adrian smiled down at us saying

"Welcome to the world little one."

??? was revealed! And it's a boy I'll post a pic of some of the characters and and Sebastian on the instagram page I made for the book.


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