Chapter 4- Interview

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George and Nigel continued in their embrace for a long moment, unaware that anyone was watching them. Then Max cleared his throat. George and Nigel sprang apart. For a long moment everyone stared at each other - George and Nigel, Max, Charlotte, Ms. Tatum and Mr. Willis. Then George whirled around and disappeared down the corridor. Nigel followed right behind him.

Mr. Willis raised his camera toward their backs, but Max was already batting it down. "No photos, thank you."

Ms. Tatum turned on her recording device. "Sir, can you tell me how long Prince George has been in a same-sex relationship?"

Max's face was turning red - whether in anger or embarrassment, Charlotte couldn't tell. "Information about His Highness's private life is strictly confidential and not to be released to the press," Max said firmly.

But Charlotte could see the rabid spark in the reporter's eye. She was bent on pursuing this story. "Does the King know about his grandson's sexuality?" Ms. Tatum pressed. "How long has the palace been hiding it?"

Max bristled. "I have no comment. Under no condition is private information about the Prince to be released while he is still only 20 years old. This agreement with your organization and others is still in effect."

Ms. Tatum frowned. It was true - just like the arrangement made when Princes William and Harry were growing up, all the major news organizations had agreed that there would be no digging into the lives of George and Charlotte until they turned 21.  William and Kate had fought hard to protect the privacy of their children, and for the most part the public knew very little about the youngest royals. But this was a huge story.

While the adults argued, Charlotte stood in the background. No one was paying her the slightest bit of attention. She could easily slip away... but as she started to turn, an idea came to her. 

"I-I w-would like t-to con-continue the i-interview," she said, not even bothering to try to hide her stutter.

Everyone turned to gape at her - even Max. After a long pause, Ms. Tatum leaned toward her. "I beg your pardon, Your Royal Highness?"

Charlotte had to repeat herself twice before she could make herself understood. "You-you are surprised," she added.

Ms. Tatum shook her head. "Oh! No, Your Royal Highness. Not at all!" But the way she stared at Charlotte with bug eyes proved her a liar. 

Painfully, haltingly, Charlotte explained her speech impediment, her embarrassment at appearing in public lest she be forced to talk, her despair over the thought of never being able to take her place at charity events as would be expected as a senior royal. In between Charlotte's pauses, Ms. Tatum scrawled furiously on her notepad.

Max put a protective hand on Charlotte's shoulder. As she had thrown her full attention into speaking with the reporter and trying not to become physically ill, she had completely forgotten he was there. "That's enough for now," said Max. "Have you gotten the story you expected?"

"Oh, much more!" Ms. Tatum enthused, not catching the sarcasm in his tone. "An interview with a secluded Princess was always going to be gold - but this? It'll make my career!"

Charlotte's stomach was already churning. How many millions of people around the world would read this interview? It was her worst nightmare. But she'd had to do something in order to turn the attention away from George.

No sooner had she thought it, however, than Ms. Tatum added, "And this story about Prince George... I think if I brought it out slowly, tactfully..."

"Absolutely not," Max said firmly. "Have you forgotten what I just said about your newspaper's agreement with the palace? No unauthorized stories until he turns 21!"

"Which is only a few months from now," said Ms. Tatum. "If I were you, I'd permit me to print it now. I'll be gentle. Whereas if you wait... as soon as his birthday comes around, I can be as savage as I please. That sounds rather good to me, if you block my story now and..."

"Y-y-you may h-have a photo!" Charlotte said loudly, interrupting.

The other three turned to her. Max looked pointedly at her hoodie and ragged leggings. "Ought you not go to your room and freshen up first?"

"N-no," Charlotte said in what she hoped was a firm tone. She never could tell if she got her emotions across with her stutter. "You m-may take it n-now."

Ms. Tatum's eyes gleamed greedily. A stuttering princess who dressed in such a sloppy manner? That would be a marvelous story. It would sell like wildfire.

"No story about Prince George," said Max.

"Yes, yes." Ms. Tatum waved hm away impatiently  "I agree. Now, Jack, let's get the shot from this angle..."

For the next fifteen minutes, Charlotte posted quietly, all the while thinking of George and how he must be feeling. As soon as possible, she would go to her most beloved brother. If anyone attacked his reputation or character... well, they'd have hell to pay from her.


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