Chapter 10

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"Yeah, so, I'm reading this magazine right now and—"

"Taite? Is that you?"

"Yeah, so, I'm reading this magazine. It's Sarah's. She told me there was an article about you so of course, I had to read it."

"Taite, it's 5 AM here. Can we talk about this in an hour? Or two?"

"Anyways, I'm reading this article. It goes like this: Did we jump to conclusions too fast? Rumors have been swirling about Sam Ford and a certain unidentified male suitor. This week pictures have surfaced of Sam, but this time, with someone else: Lena, lead singer of the up and coming girl band, Phantom. Has the pop singer found someone more his speed? The pair have been spotted getting close and comfortable on numerous outings around London. Neither singer has commented on the rumors."

Sam groaned. "This is why you're calling me this early?"

I tossed the magazine on my bed, falling back into my bean bag. "So, what, are you straight now?"


"And dating this Lena chick? You do know she doesn't even use a last name, right? You do realize that's weird, right?"

"Taite!" He was laughing. "I'm not dating Lena, bloody hell! We're working on a song together. That's it."

Suddenly, I felt very stupid. "Oh."

He was still laughing. "And now you think I'm gay, Taite?"

"Oh please," I shifted my phone against my ear. "There are some things best friends just know." I had started calling Sam my best friend after that day at the carnival. I had never had a guy best friend. I liked it.

"Oh yeah?"

"Of course."

"Alright. Fine. What gave me away?"

I snorted. "Well, there's the eyeliner. And all the jewelry. And the fact you never sing about girls, except your sister." I paused as he laughed. "Oh, and there was that time you dirty talked me over the phone and gave me my first orgasm. But, you know, I'm not trying to jump to conclusions or anything."

Sam had stopped laughing. "Hold on a second."

It was then that I realized what had just come out of my mouth. It had been a few days since the incident and I was planning on never speaking of it to another soul as long as I lived.

"Forget I said that."

"I told you to hold on a minute." He sounded a lot more awake now. And a lot more serious. I cringed, slowly sinking deeper into my beanbag. My fingers pulled on the edges of my hair so hard my scalp burned. "What did you just say, Taite?"

"Sam, let it go."

"The other night? On the phone?" He was quieter now. Fuck him and his stupid intimate, drawling, seductive voice.

I stayed silent.

"I made you orgasm?"

"You... what? Didn't you hear that? I never hung up the phone, you were still on the line, I thought you knew!"

"No, no I didn't." He paused. I listened as he took a deep breath in. "Fuck, Taite."

His voice was raspy. I groaned, pulling my hair harder. Fuck him.

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