Chapter 12

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After we got home from the lake, we were exhausted. The four of us immediately passed out on my living room couch, allowing Sarah to turn on reruns of Friends. Next to me, Sam's eyes were fluttering closed. His head was on my shoulder. Something like pride overtook me as I placed an arm around the couch behind him, watching as his eyelashes dusted his pale skin.

"Hey y'all," I craned my neck towards my mother's voice behind me. Peering in through the doorway, she smiled at us. "Barbecue is in an hour." My sister made some noise of acknowledgment while Marley threw her a thumbs up. My mom disappeared from the doorway just as Sam's head lifted up off my shoulder.

"Did she say barbecue?"

With her eyes still on the TV, Sarah nodded. "Yeah. The Jefferson's annual Independence Day barbecue. Did you not realize that Taite shares a birthday with America?"

Sam turned towards me, his face decidedly close to my own. He was smiling. "I didn't even think about that."

"It's fitting, isn't it?" Sarah's vocals triumphed over anything Ross or Monica had been saying. My sister's ability to capture the attention of everyone in the room with just her voice was something she inherited from my father. "Wholesome, innocent, good-natured Taite Jefferson. Born on the same day as The United States of America. Nothing is more perfect."

Marley snorted out a laugh, placing her feet on the coffee table.

"Hey," I interjected. "Nothing is wrong with good and wholesome."

"Yeah," Sarah shrugged. "If you're into that."

The two females thought this was very funny. But while they were busy laughing, Sam was busy leaning in towards my ear, getting so close to me that his wavy hair tickled the skin on my face. "For what it's worth," he paused, smiling, as I swallowed back how itchy his voice made me. "I'm so into that."

I knew my face was red, but I looked at him anyway, making sure he saw me roll my eyes. I watched him as he snickered at how clearly revved up he had me. For good measure, he winked. I flipped him off, but still, I had freakin' butterflies.

I stood up, grabbing Sam's arm and pulling him up with me. "We're gonna shower and get ready."

"Alright," Sarah said. Not even bothering to look at us, she added: "Use protection. And don't slip. Shower sex can be dangerous. Trust me on this one."

Sam thought this was funny. He laughed. I didn't. "Yup we'll keep that in mind, thanks Sar."

She blew me a kiss in response, just as we disappeared into the hallway, heading upstairs.

"Guest room's free," I told Sam, turning my head to speak to him as we walked. "You can shower in there. Where's your stuff?"

"Already in there," he told me. "Your mom brought it up this morning. She's very excited to have me staying in there. She told me I'll be the first to sleep in the brand new bed."

I stopped at the top of the stairs, opening up the door to the guest room for Sam. "Let's be real," I paused, leaning against the open door frame, trying to conjure up the confidence Sarah hadn't taken from me with her stupid sex comments. "You're not going to be sleeping in the guest room."

Smirking, he backed up into the room. "Is that so?"

I grabbed the door knob. "If you play your cards right." As he laughed, I shut the door and headed to my own room to shower.

I was changing into clean clothes when someone knocked on my door. Right away, I knew it wasn't Sarah. I was only wearing boxers, so I pulled on my pants before telling Sam to come in.

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