Chapter 15

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Sam picked us up from the airport when we got to France. He told us he would be waiting by baggage claim and then we would drive straight to the restaurant we were meeting Sam's family for dinner.

Once we landed and got through customs, Sarah and I grabbed our luggage and started looking around for a tall lanky brunette. We didn't have to look far.

He was surrounded by people, mostly girls. He was smiling and engaging with them: talking, signing autographs, taking pictures. He was wearing this denim jacket and a white shirt with a low V-neck, so you could see all the necklaces he was wearing. His hair was a mop of light brown waves waiting to be touched and pulled.

Memories flew towards me at the sight of him: my fingers tangling through that hair as I kissed him. The two of us lying against the cool red metal of my dad's Corvette. His fingertips on my cheeks. Seeing his gray eyes close up, right before they closed and he pressed his lips on mine. I didn't realize I was smiling so big until my sister poked my cheek, raising her eyebrows knowingly.

He hadn't seen us coming until we were about 25 feet away. His eyes unintentionally drifted in our direction; he was probably getting exhausted of talking. When he saw us though, walking towards him with duffel bags, he smiled. Big.

He flashed this white piece of paper in front of his chest, the smile on his lips stretching wider with each step we took towards him. The paper read Jefferson, each letter of our name perfected in his signature slanted, professional script.

He took a few steps away from the mass he had accumulated, moving away from the group to get to us. I tightened the grip on my bag to keep myself from dropping it on the scuffed tile floor and sprinting the 15 feet to leap into his arms. That was so not a good look.

My sister obviously didn't think it would be a problem for her to do so. She squealed, shoving her pink LL Bean suitcase at me before throwing her arms around Sam's neck. He picked her up off the ground, kissing her cheek, both of them ignoring me as I practically collapsed under the weight of the two bags I struggled to keep a grip on.

When Sam finally parted from Sarah's clutches, his eyes slowly wandering towards me, I didn't care if it was a good look or not. I dropped the two bags dramatically to the ground, stepping over them to pull Sam into a very tight embrace.

"Jefferson," he nuzzled his face into my neck. "Good to see you."

"Same to you." He pulled away from me grinning, ruffling my hair into a blonde mess. I shoved his shoulder as he laughed, picking up Sarah's bag from the ground and swinging it over his shoulder.

He nodded in the direction of the exit, urging us to plow through the cancerous mass of fans he had attached at his hips. Sam slung an arm around my shoulder, waving his goodbyes to the people. Automatic doors slid open for us, revealing a sleek black stretch limo parked directly in front of the entrance. An older man with thinning hair and a tailored ash colored suit pulled the back door open. Sam slid inside, handing Sarah's bag to the chauffeur, motioning me to do the same.

When we were all in the back seat, he shut us in.

Sam was sitting across from me, but the distance was too far for our knees to touch. I stretched out my legs far enough to lean one of my feet against his. He caught my eye, the corner of his mouth raising just an inch. My body burned red hot. We had only been near each other for three minutes. Three minutes and I was already thinking about how soon I could be kissing him.

"You could have just waited in here, you know," I told him, motioning to the luxurious inner cabin—complete with a mini bar and a small television. "So you didn't have to deal with all the attention."

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