Ch. 1, Senior

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Star's POV:

9/1/17, Star Butterfly, Entry 1

Hello, my name is Star Butterfly, I'm a magical princess from this place called Mewni.

Right now I'm on earth though, my parents sent me here to learn how to use my magic discreetly and keep a diary in the process, though I doubt thats all there is to it.

For some reason I have to keep secret that I'm a princess, that I can do magic AND that there's other dimensions besides earth. Keeping these secrets seems odd, but mother told me earthling brains can't handle the thought of any of these things being true, and if they found out they'd probably try and burn me at a stake or throw me in a nuthouse.

Anyway, today is my first day of earth school, it's interesting to say the least but I find the subjects unchallenging, the students ignorant and the food cancerous. (Tommorow I most surely intend to bring my own lunch)

Currently I am living with a family that thinks I'm a foreign exchange student from Europe. The parents names are Jan and Michael, and they have a set of twins whose names are Janey and Michelle. Luckily the twins are much younger than me and I'm not forced to converse with them.

I'm hoping that my living arrangements are temporary, though it may be severely difficult to rent an apartment at my age, I intend to do it eventually.

My parents haven't told me when I'll be coming home, but I'm not worried.

Between me and this pointless diary I'm writing in, I've snuck a pair of dimensional scissors onto earth with me, I may return home whenever I wish but currently...I don't desire to. These earth people are quite amusing and their customs unusual, I find everything about this earth exceptionally interesting, surprisingly even the slop served here at this high school intrigues me.Anyway I have algebra class shortly, so I should probably pack up my things and try and find the classroom!

Sincerely ~ Star Butterfly


Star placed her diary carefully in her backpack before getting to her feet and exiting the cafeteria.

She wore a simple blue dress, a red bow atop her head and had her hair in two braids that rested on her shoulders.

As she made her way across the hallways, glancing at every sign she came upon in confusion, she heard some voices up ahead and began to jog steadily towards the noise hoping for directions.

When she found the source of the voices, she stopped a few yards away and assesed the situation quickly.

In front of her stood a tall boy-'probably a senior' she thought-clutching the collar of another much smaller boy.

"Watch your step kid," the senior spat. Just then Star noticed that the senior's backpack was on the floor with the supplies inside spilling out.

She assumed the smaller boy had knocked the bag out of his hands on accident.

The senior had medium length hair with his bangs swept to the side and he wore a red hoodie with a leather short-sleeved jacket over it, he also wore fingerless gloves and a red beanie. Star couldn't help how all of these things made him look rugged and extremely handsome, and with that thought in mind she decided immediately that she didn't like him.

"I'm sorry," The smaller boy kept on muttering fearfully, his fists clenching and unclenching in anxiety.

The senior was about to shove the younger boy against a locker when Star intervened.

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