Chapter 23- powerless to love

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Third POV....

" so what your telling me is that your grandfather was mob boss and my grandfather who was in the government at that time was best friends with your grandfather. He protected him from his own and in term your grandfather protected my grandfather versa versa. So your grandfather kill a hold family to over his tracks and he realize his mistake afterwards he was wrong and messed up. So he and princess grandfather made a deal to tie both families together and to stop anymore blood shed. Wait what I don't get is if you knew all this and you taken over your grandfather job why did you still come after me? Why did you still lead me on knowing we could never be together" Zoey asked Ismail she was beyond pissed off and angry at this point.

"And my own family knew and didn't do anything. I'm sick and tried of being used and played" Zoey told them getting up off the bed.

She walked into the bathroom for the room and change "Zoey think about the baby if princess or anyone finds out about the baby and you. Their will try to kill you both please let me protect you both" Ismail say.

"You protect me haha your joking you can't even protect your self. All this hiding Ismail all these lies and all this hell im in is because of you. You can't just stay away from me, you can't just go along with princess to start with" Zoey shouted at him.

"Baby girl you need to come down" he dad told her. "I don't need to calm down cause both of you knew everything and still let it happen I'm in this mess because of three of you I don't ever want to see you again. I loved you I went against my own morals to be with you I dropped my guard to be with you and this what I end up getting in return" Zoey yell at Ismail.

"It's not that I love you I really love you I don't care if I have to end my marriage with princess I will" Ismail told Zoey.

Zoey was busy packing her stuff up "no I don't want you to end nothing for my sake you have her pregnant and got me pregnant as well aren't you happy. You think I will let you hurt me and then use me to hurt another woman no Ismail. Stay with her became a family stay away from me and my baby and both of you I'm leaving I want nothing to do with your family." Zoey told her parents and Ismail.

"Whatever you choose Zoey I'm find with but remember your always a hart and I will always be your mother" Zoey mom told her crying.

"Same here Zoey I will always be your father and you can always ask for any help. I want to give you something before you go Sm entrainment is clean nothing related to drugs I'm going to hand the company over to you and my grandchild" Zoey dad say to her.

"Do whatever you want to do just send me the document bye" Zoey told her parents and left the hospital room.

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