Chapter Two

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The rogue fell backwards snarling at the arrow fighting to remove it from his head as the second arrow entered his body just behind his front left leg, he howled in pain as the third entered his neck, he staggered and collapsed. Go! she hissed at me, go now! I turned emerging from the water and my protection in the tall grasses surrounding the pond, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. 

I stopped just before entering our village, I shifted to my human form, my bones cracking as I shifted, I pulled on my clothing and ran into the village, "Dad!" I screamed, "Kael! Cade! Harvey! Help!" 

Harvey was the first to find me, his eyes dark, "What is it?!" he yelled looking around. 

"Rogue..." I started as Kael and Cade came to a stop together growling, looking around as my father appeared. 

"What is it, Nadira?" my father said in a serious voice narrowing his eyes at me.

I began to explain what had happened, telling every detail, for I knew my father would be angry if I left anything out. My father gathered his highest ranking royal warriors and moved to the site I had been at.

I waited in my room for Cade or Kael to mind message me, I waited for about an hour listening quietly. I grew tireder the longer I sat on my bed. Nadi? I jerked from my slumber at the sound of Cade's young voice in my head, Nadi? he continued.

Cade, yes I'm here. What is it? What did you find?

Nothing...we saw the spot where the rogue had fallen, but there was no blood, no arrows, no wolf.

I blinked, confused I was sure the wolf was there when I ran, N-Nadi...? W-what's going on? my wolf shivered.

I don't know...I trailed off

Nadi? Cade again, Are you okay?

Yes, Cade, I'm fine, but I'm sure the rogue was there when I left.

Well, it's not now, I'm positive little sis.

Okay... I told him

Nadi...where could he have gone? my wolf whined

I-I don't know...I know he was dead, no one can take a shot like that and survive.

I know, unless whoever shot him took him, or...he is invincible! Fright glistened in her eyes.

He's a rogue...he isn't invincible,no one would let an invincible rogue run free.

True... she muttered contemplating this idea as I lay back down on my bed, ready for sleep to come and take me into it's warm comforting grasp.

The next few days my father wouldn't let me go to the pond, keeping me cooped up in our village on constant watch. After a week of this, he gave me my freedom back. As soon as I could I went to my pond.

I decided to check the forest's egde to be sure there was no one around. As I walked on a steep hill viewing the pond, I was jerked to a stop, I pulled only to be pulled back, I turned my head which only made it worse. I couldn't move my body, my fur was caught on my right side, it tore at my hair, I knew soon it would reach my flesh. 

I struggled to free myself from the sharp death trap. Whining, I wanted to cry, my side was now warm, I knew it had reached my flesh, I was bleeding now.

Mate! My wolf screamed at me.

Shut up! I growled at her, she had said this the few times we had visited this pond, there was never anyone around, at this moment I was stuck, still with no one around, bleeding, in a barbed wire fence, hiding just beyond the tree line near the pond.

He's getting closer...she continued

I pulled harder, trying to free myself from the fence, tearing my fur and skin, when I spotted him. He was gorgeous, the most beautiful male I had ever seen, he was walking near the pond, skimming the forests edge with his magnificent eyes, then he spotted me, his eyes widened with fear, that was when I realized he wasn't a werewolf. He couldn't be my mate, I am a princess, of the wolf tribe Blood Star, but as he came nearer, I knew he had to be my mate, my heart had never felt like this before.

Ahhh!!! Our mate!

I told you to shut up!


He stared into the forest, my knees became weak and shaky, I whined and shrunk down as far as the fence would allow. "Calm down." he whispered in the softest, sexiest voice I had every heard, he looked into my eyes, with his golden eyes. "It's going to be alright. I won't hurt you, I promise." he whispered again running a hand across my fur.

I only whimpered, he stepped to the other side of my body examining my blood covered fur. Then he began to untangle me from the wire. After a long wait he had freed me, I stepped forward, but my knees gave out, and I rolled down the hill. He ran after me worry in his eyes, "Are you okay?" 

I nodded my head looking at him, he knelt to my side lifting my matted down fur so he could see my wounds. "Come over here and lets clean this up." He stood waiting for me to do the same, then he lead my to the pond, and started cleaning my side. After my fur was clean he stood up and walked to the bag he had dropped when he first spotted me, he rummaged through the bag and returned with a white box with a red sign on the top of it.  He opened it and pulled out string and a needle. He went back to my side, his eye brows scrunched in concentration as he pushed the needle through my skin. 

I flinched, a low growl rising in my throat, "You're okay, I'm going to help it heal faster." he said not looking up from my wounds, he had closed them all with the odd string. "That should work." He sat back nodding. "I've never seen a wolf as beautiful as you are." he said looking into my eyes again, "Your eyes are magnificent." He said stroking my head. 



Sooo? What do you think so far? Let me know by commenting? Please vote too? 

I don't know when I'll update next but I promise it'll be very soon!

Love you all! 

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