Chapter Seven

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Don't kill me?! I've just not been into finishing this story. I want to but going back and reading all of it, I'm awful at typing. I'll go back and edit those eventually, so be patient. And here goes with the rest of the story! Sorry again for taking so long.

Okay let's talk about how my last note said "it won't take as long for the next update!" Yeah right. It's been over a year. I'm a senior now. OHMYGOODNESS
I went through the comments on tho the other day and noticed a lot of questions coming up about how they fell in love so fast, it was sort of a time skip type thing, I probably should have mentioned that they met everyday for several months before they decided they were in love. I hope that clears things up, and yes I do love to make references to other things and I love that you guys are getting them!!


I woke up to Trent's arms wrapping around me, the steady bounce as his foot hit the ground. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, "what are you doing?" My voice croaked, I hadn't realized how thirsty I was.

"I figured you wouldn't want to sleep in the seat of the car, so I found us a motel room." He smiled down at me as he pushed the cracked door farther open.

When we walked into the room he threw me onto the bed and laughed, kissing my forehead, "nap my princess, we'll get back on the road tomorrow."

I nodded and closed my eyes, slipping back into my dreams.


I opened my eyes, feeling the sun against my cheeks. Sitting up in the bright green grass I looked around, trying to figure out where I was.

I heard a twig snap and the birds above me took off, squawking with fear.

Wolf? I whispered...there was no answer. I turned my head in the direction of the twig snap.

I saw a flash of grey, I stood to investigate and found myself face to face with an enormous wolf. His teeth were bared at me, his eyes narrowed I hatred.

"Who...who are you?" I whispered, earning myself a deep growl.

He started towards me, "please don't" I whimpered. He launched toward me and opened his jaw as I screamed...

I woke with a start, jolting foreword in bed, gasping. I looked around the dimly lit motel room, it was empty. "Trent?" I whispered, pushing myself out of bed and walking to the bathroom to check for him.

Once I realized he wasn't in the room I made my way outside to find him sitting on a swing on the playground across the lot.

I walked to him, "Trent?" I asked as I got closer to him, he looked back at me quickly, wiping his eye.

"Oh hey sweetheart," He forced a smile "what are you doing out here?"

"I was looking for you...are you okay? Why are you crying?" I sat down on the swing beside him.

"Just thinking...I'm okay." He looked over at the pool.

"What's wrong Trent?" I whispered, pushing a blonde lock of hair from his eyes.

"I don't have a family Nadi..." He swallowed as a tear fell from his eye, "my parents died when I was younger..."

"Oh Trent"

"I've been living on my own for years, that's why I left so easily....once I found something that was comfortable, something that felt like home, it was easy to leave what I had made for myself."

I wiped a tear away from his eye, "something that felt like home?"

"You make me feel at home...I feel loved when I'm with you." He looked at me, "this is the first time I've really felt like I had a family in years. I want this forever Nadi." He reached over and held my hand.

"You will...I promise. I will give you love and support and a home forever, Trent."

He started to cry again, I pulled him into my arms and we sat there on the playground. I held him as he cried.

And I knew just how much we loved each other.


Okay. This was short, but it's just me getting back into the groove of things. I'm going to post more soon. This update is just letting everyone know I'm back.


Anyways... comment and vote?

I love you little wolves...
I'll be back soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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