Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Caught

Ivory walked back into her house and made her way to the kitchen. After her argument with Yusuf, he begged her to let him take her to her first doctor's appointment.

He wanted to show her that he was going to try to be there for her and their baby. Yusuf didn't want to have her being a single mother or having his child grow up to hate him because he chose to be a coward instead of manning up.

Ivory noticed that he was trying, so she didn't say anything negative to him for the rest of the day.

After her appointment, he took her to go get her nails, feet, eyebrows, and hair done.

He wanted to help boost her self esteem and he didn't want his child's mother walking around looking bad.

Ivory was grateful for what he did, but now she was extremely tired.

"I'm about to go see my cousin real quick, he been wanting to kick it for a while now." Yusuf said as he looked down at Ivory.

She nodded, not really caring.

What Yusuf did, was not her concern. She was over him and right now she was only focus on their baby.

Yusuf leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Call me if you need anything. Ima pick up yo' prenatal vitamins tomorrow." He said before walking to the door.

Ivory nodded and followed him to the front door to lock it behind him.

Yusuf walked out of Ivory's house and got into his Range Rover. He started his car and made his way to Demetrius's crib.

He was ready to bust him in 2k and take his money.

Then after that, he planned to see this girl he met two days ago at the store.

She was fine as hell and he wanted her even more because of how stuck up she was. She wasn't trying to give him the time of day at all, but she was willing to give him a chance.

Pulling up to Demetrius's house, he used the key his aunt gave him and unlocked the door.

He entered the house and closed the door behind him, and made his way up the stairs. The house was quiet and it was weird.

Usually Demetrius always had some music blasting through the house, maybe he was sleep.

Making his way up the stairs, he started calling his name. "Aye' Meechie!" He yelled as he made his way down the hall to his bedroom.

Suddenly he heard three loud thuds and a door slam, Yusuf knocked on the door and Meechie quickly opened the door with his shirt off.

He was sweaty and only in a pair of basketball shorts as he looked at Yusuf in fear. He was caught off guard.

"Yo', what the fuck you doing? You beating ya' meat?" He joked.

Demetrius chuckled nervously. "Nah, man. I got too many hoes for that." He said.

Yusuf nodded. "Let me get my hoodie out yo' closet and my slides that I left over here." He said as he tried to make his way into his room.

Demetrius quickly pushed Yusuf back. "Yo', I got it." He said trying to keep Yusuf out.

Yusuf sucked his teeth and made his way into his room anyway. He didn't care about who he had in his room with him. He just wanted his shit back.

He walked into Demetrius's bedroom and seen a Red iPhone 7 on his nightstand and he scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.
He remembered he knew someone with the same phone and he took a closer look at the phone to notice something that stood out.

Demetrius looked at Yusuf in fear as he stood by the door.

Yusuf prepared himself and walked up to the closet. Snatching the door open, he wasn't surprised to see Bianca standing in his closet butt naked as she covered her face.

Ivory was woken out of her sleep as someone came into her room and turned the light on.

She blinked her eyes open as she looked up at her mom who stood in the doorway looking at her.

"Food is ready, come eat baby." Her mom said before walking back out of the room.

Ivory sighed and sat up.

She was exhausted and couldn't wait for this feeling to be over. It was starting to get annoying, but she was happy she was almost in her second trimester.

Making her way downstairs, she went into the dining room to see that her plate was already fixed.

Her mom was starting to annoy her too. She was trying to improve her eating habits for she can have a healthy grandchild.

On her plate was chicken, a baked potato, and carrots.

She was upset because they were eating steak tortillas with refried beans. She was craving Mexican corn really bad. Anything with spice and it was driving her crazy, but she ate to food her mom made her anyway.

The doorbell rung and Ivory dropped her fork. "I'll get it." She said before getting up.

She opened the door and smiled as she seen her oldest sister. "Inez!" She yelled excited.

They both pulled each other into a hug. Ivory hasn't seen her sister in almost four months.

Inez is a junior in college. She goes to Spellman and is majoring in psychology.

She barely got to see her sister since she was always busy.

Inez just got back in three days ago and she had things to do before coming to visit her family.

Even though they didn't have the same mom, Inez still thought of their mom as hers since her mom was strung out on drugs and alcohol.

Inez sat at the dinner table with everyone and they caught up.

"So you're pregnant? How many weeks? Who's the father?" She asked.

Ivory shook her head. "Yes, I'm 9 weeks and this guy ..we're not together." She said.

Inez shook her head. "Well, I'm here to help support little sis'." She said. "Speaking of guys .." she started. "I met someone and I have a good feeling about him. I want you guys to meet him next time I visit." She said happily.

Ivory nodded. "That's cool, I could bring my child's father for you and mama can officially meet him too." She said.

Inez nodded. "Great." She said before digging into her food.

Ivory picked at her food and her cell phone began to ring.

She answered and her heart started to race as soon as the voice began to speak.

"You have a collect call from Yusuf Smith, do you accept the charges?"

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