Chapter 12: Save the Date

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Why does everything have to be so complicated..

Why do you have to make everything so complicated......

"Alessa? Are you awake, Sweetie?"

I really do believe my mom has secret powers to know when her children are asleep or not!

I mean, technically I am awake, but I've been laying in bed for around an hour. I am just really upset and confused about what happened last night. I feel like I lost a friend, a boyfriend, and my boyfriend lost his best friend all in one night. I really want to work out this misunderstanding, but I feel like nobody wants to see each other right now. Even more than that, nobody wants to see me right now.

And I don't blame them.

"How did you know...." I moan.

"You never sleep this late." Mom tells me.

She's totally right.

"What's wrong? How was the carnival last night?"

I hesitate. I don't really feel like talking about all of this right now. It is too soon.
"Fine...Everything is fine." I smile.

"And Asher?"

"What?" I ask.

"Asher. He's good?"

I shrug.

"He was sick. But it was fun. I think I am going to go get dressed and everything. I should get some studying done now." I say, hopping out of bed.

"I actually have something in mind for the two of us today."

" do?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think we really owe it to ourselves to go for a mother daughter day. You've really been working so hard, Aly. You deserve it. Would you want to do that with me?"

I deserve it? I'm starting to think maybe I don't really deserve anything...

I let Evan kiss me. I am a terrible person!

"Uh, sure. That sounds fun." I force a smile.

Today is horrible...I am beyond guilty...

"Great. So go get dressed...Oh, and Aly, one more thing I almost forgot!"
"Yeah?" I look up.
"Um..hold on I will be right back. Go get dressed, I have to get something."

I'm a believer in the idea that an outfit can change how you feel, for better or worse.
So, according to Aly Legend, if I put on my favorite pale green romper, I should feel a little bit more..Aly.

"One minute!...Ok. Ready."
I open the door.
"I found it." Mom says softly with a smile.
"What?" I ask as I fish through my hair accessory basket for a headband.
"This is the camera I used in film school."
"I thought you dropped out of film school?" I ask.
"Well, I did. But not because I wanted to. I took a break to pursue a career with a little more job stability, but I always wanted to go back. But I want you to have the freedom to explore your options, or at least your hobbies."
"Oh, wow. Thank you, Mom..."
I look down at the vintage camera as Mom hands it over to me.
"I was thinking about last week. You know, at the restaurant when Dad was talking to you about considering nursing. I just think you should explore all your options. So play around with it, you never know what you will discover."
"Thank you."


"Well, I just had a great spa day with, Mom, and now we are stopping off at Trader Joe's because we need dinner." I tell the camera, as I turn the bulky piece of equipment toward my face.

Aly-Oops!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz