Chapter 19- AJ😎

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"Are you ready for bed yet, Aly? I was thinking we can put on a movie as we lay in our sleeping bags." Zoey asks me, entering the room while wearing her pajamas which consist of a light grey cami top with lace on top and furry pink shorts.

"Ok, that sounds good, Zo!"

The boat ride festival is over, so we are now at the Westman's time share house. Asher, Zoey, Josh, and I are all laying in the Westman's living room with our sleeping bags laid out on their grey shaggy carpet which covers their wooden floor.

This is a really pretty house!

"Yay. I'll go get our stack of DVDs. By the way, have you seen Asher?" Zoey asks as one her loose curly braids slide off her shoulder.

"No, I haven't seen him since we got to your house actually."

"Well, sucks for him because now he is going to get stuck watching a chic-flick!" Zoey laughs, dropping a basket full of DVDs onto the carpet.

"Hey!" Josh whines.
"Josh, you can just play with your DS. Didn't you bring that with you?" I ask.
"Right.." He mumbles.

"Have you seen Mean Girls?" Zoey asks.
"Umm...I think I saw parts of it a few years ago." I admit.
"Wait, so you've never seen it? That doesn't count, Aly. Now we have to watch it. I can quote every line of this movie."

I smile.

"Yes! You will soon too. Every Wednesday my friends and I wear pink to camp because that's what they did in Mean Girls. I'm so excited for you to lose your Mean Girls virginity!"

"Zoey!" I laugh.

Wow, Zoey is really growing up! Only a few months ago she was just a cute innocent little seventh grader, and now that she's going into eighth grade she's into make-up, short clothing, and now even uses the word virginity!

Don't do this to me, Zoey Elyse Westman!

"Ok, what did I miss?" Asher asks as he enters the room again.
"Umm...Asher why are you wearing an sleeping mask?" Zoey laughs, looking up at him.
"We are getting ready for bed." Ash explains.

"Ok, first off, you're supposed to wear that when it is actually time to sleep. Second, I've never seen you wear that ever in my almost thirteen years of living with you." Zoey explains.

Asher was wearing sunglasses before, and now he is wearing an eye mask? Is he hiding something?

"Alright. Then I guess I will be going to sleep now. You guys enjoy watching...what is it you are watching?"

"Mean Girls!" Zoey exclaims.

"Yeah, no. Good night." Ash laughs. "Why don't you have good taste like me."

"Twenty-One Jump Street?" I laugh. Learning Asher's favorite movies is one of the first facts I learned about him.

"Don't even think about it!" Zoey exclaims. "He's made us sit through that way too many times! It's our turn to pick, Aly!"

"Alright..." Ash moans. "Yo, Joshy, want to go play some games with me?"

Our brothers leave the room.

"Asher has been so weird lately!" Zoey whispers. "Like I understand that he's annoyed that I am getting all the attention at home with my bat mitzvah coming up, but he doesn't need to consume himself with basketball to make a point."

"Yeah...Okay, I'm sorry to be that person to say this to the little sis, but has Asher mentioned me at all?"

"Uh,..we don't really talk as much now as we used to since he's been so busy. I don't know if he told you, but my aunt told my mom that my cousin found these articles written about him online."

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