Chapter 21-A Sweet Sugary Escape

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Wow, it's been a long time! I tried writing some other stories but I am finding I really miss my Asher Joel Westman ❤️❤️ So here we are! The saga continues 😊😊😊

"There you are!"
I turn around and in comes Mia, Baritinni, Emily, and Rena.
"You really know tons of people from the other school." Lucian chuckles.
I can't even think straight right now, I'm honestly just so worried about Evan.
"Guys. End the sabotage. Evan is leaving Philly." I break the news.
"What do you mean he is leaving?" Brit asks. "He's just being a baby!"
"No, I'm serious! Asher couldn't find him anywhere. I called Evan and he told me his parents want him to come back to South Africa." I admit.
"South Africa?" Mia asks.
"Yeah, that's where he is from. His parents sent him away to live with his aunt and uncle here in America when he was two years old."
Blank stares all around...
"Evan never told us any of this."
"Really?" I ask.
"So is Evan coming here or not? The game starts in fifteen minutes." Jerry huffs.
"Yeah, we should get to stretching." Asher explains while eating goldfish crackers.
"Dude, you eat goldfish like it's your job." Jerry laughs.
"I'm legit addicted to goldfish, guys. This crap literally keeps me alive." Asher muffles, with his mouth full of crackers.
"Well I think we should go get ready for the game. We have a double header today. After we play Krembly we have a game against this school from Ohio. We can discuss this later." Asher's friend Nick explains.
"Wait the other team is coming to play us at Krembly?" Jerry asks.
"Yeah, because I'll even admit that Krembly has a killer gym!" Nick laughs.
"Ok, we should go then."
The boys all nod, and head back to the gym.
"Wait!" Asher exclaims, bending down to pick up his sports bag.
"I need more goldfish!"
"Dude, I think you've had enough!" Nick laughs.
"Two more!"
"You have a problem!"
The boys literally drag Ash away from his bag, one boy on each arm!
"You got it, Ash!" I laugh.

"Is your friend alright? Maybe you should check up on him. Also maybe we should continue with this tour." Lucian suggests.
"Yeah..sorry about that." I sigh.

We continue walking down the long hallway.
"And by mean the kid who is leaving?" I ask.
"Yeah, South Africa. Why, is something else going on?"
I may as well open up to Lucian in return.
"I'm really worried about Asher because there's this whole scandal going on with him right now so he's under a lot of stress." I whisper.
"A scandal?"
"Yeah, someone has been posting these fake articles about Ash online, but he doesn't know who has been writing them. He's been trying to keep it a secret because he's playing for Villanova and it will be a mess if this gets out of hand.."
"Aw, that's terrible. I can really understand that because there were all these horrible things written about me online while I was at my old school."

"That's really disgusting. I hate bullies." I shake my head.

"Yeah I know. You know, since I'm specializing in computer engineering, I think I may be able to help you."
"Really? Thank you, Lucian!"
"Yeah, of course!"

"I would be happy to help. But I also think you should help your other friend.."
I've never really thought about whether or not I think of Evan as a friend...
"Yeah, you're right.." I sigh.
"It must be really hard on him having to go back to South Africa. Especially considering that his parents kind of just gave him up at such a young age. He's been an interesting one ever since. It's amazing how one event can really impact a person so much."
"Yeah, it really can..."
Lucian and I both jump and we turn around to see who is approaching us from behind.
"Evan!" I exclaim as I reach to hug him.
"Aly..." Evan whispers, his voice presenting with absolutely no detection of any human emotion.

Aly-Oops!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora