Chapter 2 | Pregnant?!?!

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        Six months later
        July seventh
I awake, anxious and excited. Today Chad invited me to his house. I put on a white tank top, denim shorts, and white flats. The doorbell rings and I rush to open the door. It's Chad. We've been dating for about two months now. I smile. "Hey babe." I say. "Hey baby." Chad says and smirks. Neither YouTube or the Internet knows Chad and I are dating. We kiss quickly, and we head to his house. When we get there, Chad invites me in. I can't help but stand in aw as I look around. It's beautiful.

       Two months later
        September sixteenth
I awake at three AM and rush to the bathroom, then throw up. It's how I've woken up the past couple of months. I flush the toilet and try to fall back asleep. It doesn't work, as my stomach is hurting. I sigh and start watching Lastic's videos. I fall into a thinking period. Then I finish the video and rush to the drug store. Their open twenty-four hours. I buy a pregnancy test and rush home. I really hope Chad didn't see me. I had just woken up two hours ago, and I look like a mess. I put my hair into a messy bun and put a pink crop top, black shorts, and pink flats on;something just for home. I take the pregnancy test and sigh as I wait for the results. I'm really hoping I'm not pregnant, as I don't know how I feel about a little Hudson running around my house. Six minutes later, I look at the results. I start crying like crazy. There's a smiley face, so I'm pregnant. I put my hands over my eyes and sob. I sigh as I get a call from Chad. I ignore it, and put my phone in my bedroom. I throw the pregnancy test in the trash and pick up Angelica. I stroke her soft, brown fur. "Your going to be a sister, Angel." I say, trying to hold back the tears. I put her down and walk slowly to the door, as I heard a knock. It's my mom. I hug her and cry on her shoulder. "Don't tell me Chad dumped you." She says. "He didn't, mom." I say under my breath. She pats me and I bury my face into her chest. "How about we go on a Harry Potter marathon?" She asks and I nod. She smiles, and I change into my pink robe. I sit on the couch, and my mom and I start watching Harry Potter. I fall asleep on the couch. I awake three hours later, my mom awoke me by shaking me. I sit up and sigh. I'm surprised she hasn't found out I'm pregnant yet.

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