Chapter 5 | Slips and Falls

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1 Month Later
9 AM

I slam my hand on the alarm and sigh loudly. I notice quite a few texts from Chad. My face droops down and I start crying.

'Ryan got in a car crash at 3 AM'

'Hey, u home?'



'U killed Ryan nuuu!! Jk'


'The whole taco squad is worried about u.'

'I guess you don't care about Ryan...'

I sigh as I finish reading the texts and call Chad. He picks up right away and yawns. "Hey." I say. "Where were you?!" Chad starts yelling at me and I start crying harder. I hear Lastic take the phone and she's sobbing. "Savannah, he just gets grumpy when he's tired." I sigh loudly. "Than why does he always talk like that to me, huh?" I wipe a tear from my sleeve. Lastic takes a deep breath. "Chad said he wants to break up with you." I nod. "That would be perfect right about now. You know what, goodbye. I've barely been up even twenty minutes and I'm already having the worst day of my life!" I hang up and get dressed. I trip walking out the door and drop onto the ground. The next thing I remember is a door creaking open and a familiar voice yelling. "Audrey, get the ambulance!" I awake a day later, still quite weak. I tilt my head to a side and see Lastic holding my hand, crying. Her eyes are filled with tears. She opens her mouth and turns back. "She's awake!" I put my hands over my eyes and cry. Lastic looks at me and asks, "What's wrong?". "I-i was supposed to find out the baby's gender this morning-" Lastic sighs. "It's Saturday, not Friday, Savannah." I sigh. "Fine. B-but I have a feeling this is going to go bad."

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