Chapter 10

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I stood in front of the huge flat screen TV in the guy's livingroom, waiting to get everyones attention.

"You guys ready?" I ask anxiously.

"Yeah!" Niall said excitedly.

"Okay. So tonight, I made reservations for us to go camping!"

Blank stares came from all over the room. Except from Allison, who wasn't new to the idea of being outside.

"Camping?" Ari asked with a disgusted looked on her face.

"Yeah! it's a ton of fun!"

"Getting eaten by bugs? Stepping in animal crap in the woods? I don't think so."

"Oh comon!" I give Louis a desperate face. "We can go swimming!"

Louis' face lit up. "Yay! I'm in!"

"Good! Well, I already have reservations. Please!"

"Fine." Alexa says.

"Okay. Fine." Liam says.

"I'm in!" Zayn says and Ari hits him on the shoulder.

"Zayn! Are you serious?"


"Gosh darn it. I spose I'm in too because I don't want to be alone."

"Yay!" I jump up and clap my hands together. "Allison? Harry?"

"Well, I'm going. So Harry can either be a loner all weekend or come along."

"I think I'll be a loner."

"No Hazza!" I say.

"Just Kidding."

"God Harry!" Allison says and nudges him.

"Sorry babe."

"Great. Who wants to go food shopping?"

Niall shot his hand up right away and Louis raised it slower.

"Okay! Anyone else?"

"I want to!" Harry says.

"Me too I guess." Zayn says and stands up.


"Nah. I'll stay here with my woman."

"Fine. Suit yourself." I say and grab my hoodie. "Let's go boys!"


"I want, I want, I want but that's crazy!" Niall said walking through the candy isle.

"You got that right." I put 3 packages of Hershey's chocolate bars into the shopping cart and move onto the next isle.

"Aw! There's gummy carrots!" Louis whined. "I really like girls who eat carrots."

"I like guys who put gummy carrots back on the shelf and don't make their girlfriends pay for them." I laugh.


"Where did Harry go?"

"How should I know?" Zayn pouted.

"What's up your butt?" I ask.

"Nothing. Thanks for asking."


Harry comes up the isle running towards us. "Guys! Guess what?"

"You found Kevin?!?" Louis yells.

"No. Better."


Falling Hard for Louis TomlinsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin