Chapter 15

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Paris. Somewhere I thought I would never go. But just upon my request, Im here.

I stood outside on the terrace of our hotel room, staring at the glowing Eiffel Tower. It was gorgeous. My warm air blew against my face, blowing my hair behind my shoulders. Nothing could be more perfect. This was a dream come true for me.

Louis came out and put his sweatshirt around me. Even though I wasn't the slightest bit cold, I took it anyway. The smell of cologne lingered on it, which reminded me of Louis in every way.

"This is amazing." I whisper.

"Yeah. This view never gets old."

"This is just I dream come true. A month ago, I wouldn't even have thought of coming here. I'd be getting ready for school, working and just hanging out with friends. Never in Paris."

"Well, I wanted to make our final weeks before tour memorable."

"Well, I can tell you now, just being with you is the greatest memory I will ever have."

He smiled.

I couldn't remember a moment when I've been happier. Maybe the feeling hasn't come back since my parents have been gone. It almost felt like there was nothing to live for, but I was extremely wrong.

"You know," Louis says "Paris is the city of love."

"Ive heard. And one of the most romantic things you can do is kiss someone on top of the Eiffel Tower."

"I think I can arrange that."


"You know Rachel, tomorrow, Im going to do something you will never forget."

I look up at him and smile. "And what will that be?"

"Im not telling."


I get one last glimpse of the Eiffel Tower before walking back into the hotel room.

Bringing up the idea of school worried me. I knew where I was going, but I was scared about everything. What was I going to do in life? Did I even have any goals? Any dreams to live up to?

I sat on the beautiful light blue comforter on our queen sized matress and pulled out my laptop. Skype came up with a request from Allison.

Not thinking twice, I clicked the accept button and her face popped up. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, in Harry's purple Jack Wills hoodie with slight make-up on.

"Hi Rach."

"Hey. I never got the chance to apologize for-"

"Its fine. It wasn't even a big deal anyhow. I freaked out over nothing."

"Dont worry. I'll always forgive you."

"Thanks." She says and smiles.

Louis flops down on the bed and smiles at Allison.

"Where's that loser boyfriend of yours?" he asks.

"Lou. He's not a loser. And he's taking a shower or something."


Louis quickly covers my eyes.

"What the heck?" I ask

"Harry's out of the shower."


"But I don't want to!" he objected.

"Im skyping with Rachel and Lou!"

"Lou doesn't care."

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