Chapter 29

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How may I help you?

Five dreadful words I didn't want to ever say. Working was already a pain in the ass, and you had to be nice to everyone? Even the people who made your skin crawl, making you want to knock yourself out just so you wouldn't have to put up with them anymore? Yeah, that was easy to relate to.

I walked into The diner at noon, heading to the kitchen. My first day was about to start. God help me.

"Hey Hannah?" I called into the kitchen which smelled like grilled chicken and garlic.


"It's Rachel."

"Oh, hold on just a second." she said, her voice being followed by clattering dishes, and water turning off.

She made her way over to me, wiping her hands on her maroon apron.

"Great. You're here. You waitresses before?"

"Yeah." Isaid, looking around the small, cluttered kitchen.

"Okay. Here's your apron and notepad. Write down the orders and the table number. Hand it to me, I'llmake it and when I ring the bell, it's ready. While you wait, clean up after people. Vacuum thing is behind the counter."
She said, handing me my apron."Thats it?"

"Yeah. Have fun."

"Thanks." I say, tying the piece of fabric over my Jean capris.

I walked out of the kitchen, looking for any new customers. None.

I sighed in relief. Getting bored really easily, I wiped down all the tables and seats, and vacuumed too. It looked good, and I was proud ofmyself.

The door dinged. Crap.

Jordan and one of her friends walked in and sat down without giving me second thought.

I walked over to their table to take their orders.

"Hi. What can I get for you?" I say, handing them the menus.

"Um." She says glancing up at me. "Rachel? You work here huh?"


"I'll take an Iced Tea and a chicken Caesar salad."

I wrote it down and turned to her friend.

"I'll have the same."

"Alright." I say, taking their menus.

I walk back to the kitchen and hand Hannah the order.

"Great. Nice handwriting too."


I walk back out and start vacuuming behind the counters.

"So Tessa, did you hear apperently Louis Tomlinson is cheating on his girlfriend?" Jordan said.

My heart stopped for a second, and listened to their conversation.

"No. With who?" she asked.

"His Ex. Hannah."

I attempted to swallow the big lump forming in my throat.

"That's awful."

"Who's he dating now?"

"Rachel Collins. She's right there."

I feel eyes burning into my back. This wasembarassing. Was I not good enough for anyone?

I turned around and faced Jordan. "Where did you hear that?"

"Its all over the Internet. They even interviews Hannah."

I close my eyes, biting my bottom lip. This broke my heart. Even more than Steven.

"Do you have it by chance?" I ask.

"Yeah. Right here." She says, holding it out to me.

I walk over to her, angrily taking the papers.

The headline read:

Louis Tomlinson cheating on his girlfriend?

We have the truth right here. An interview with Hannah Walker and pictures.

Q: So Hannah, thanks for taking time to be with us today. Is it true you and Louis Tomlinson are back together?

A: No problem. And hard to say right now. We've gone out together a couple times since Louis has been back in the US.Q: Do you think you'd be willing to get back together with him?

A: Definatly. I mean, we broke up as a mutual agreement and couples break up and get back together all the time.

Q: Have you kept in touch with him the last couple months?

A: No. For the summer, I haven't talked to him at all. Before that, it would be an occasional text.

Q: Last Question Hannah, have you heard of Louis dating anyone else recently?

A: Yeah. I think her name was Rachel or something. But I guess their relationship is over. Louis only mentioned her a few times, about how he dated her during the summer. I don't know if theybroke up or what, but Im assuming they did because I don't think he wouldve kissed me if they didn't. He never really seemed like the cheating type.

Well there you have it directioners and anyone else reading this. Apperently Louis is cheating on his girlfriend of almost 3 months. What happened? What doyou think of this? Leave us a comment or email us. Take a look at some of the pictures below too.

I slammed the papers down on the counter, fighting back tears with all my strength.

The bell in the kitchen rung, so I grabbed the Iced Teas and gave them to Tessa and Jordan.

"Im sorry Rachel." Jordan said almost sympathetically.

"Whatever. This is why I was hesitant to even date him. My ex did this to me too."

"Oh god. That's awful."

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