Chapter 7

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Zoey's P.O.V

All three of us got into into Gadget’s alt. Who knew Gadget could turn into a fighter with a flip of a switch?

‘Bee buckled me in the middle, and sat on my right side while Gadget sat on my left. Gadget held his jacket up in the light with distaste.

“Fraggers.” I heard him mutter before sliding the jacket back on

“What's a fragger?” I then ask, curious

Bumblebee sniggered beside me.

“The people we just dealt with were. Don't say it out in public….yet.” Gadget replied as he powered on his alt

“Alrighty.” I replied before laying up against ‘Bee.

It was quiet for a moment as Gadget pulled onto the highway. It looked like he got lost in his own thoughts. I was about to say something, but then Gadget’s holoform disappeared.

“Eek!” I yelped as sat up fully

“Sorry! Sorry!” Gadget’s voice said throughout the alt

“It's okay Zoe.” Bumblebee said, trying to reassure me

“My apologies Zoey. My holoform hasn't worked properly. I think my holomatter is damaged, but I can't tell. Now it'll just vanish sometimes when I'm within my alt. I'm trying a temporary fix now.” Gadget explained

“O-okay.” I said, still slightly shaken

“Damaged? How?” ‘Bee asked as he frowned slightly at the steering wheel, which was moving on it's own.

“I was shot at with my old alt. I thought I had dodged it, but my systems say otherwise. I can't make a full fix of it until I can actually go into bipedal mode.” can the reply

“What did your old alt mode look like?” I ask, feeling better.

I happen to like cars at lot. I know all sorts too. I think I'll be an engineer when I'm older, but who knows.

“If I rember right, 2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon.”

I could hear the smile in his tone.

“Whoah, that's a lot different than your current alt.” I commented

“Indeed. This one is bulkier, I suppose you could say. Not a big fan of it, but it will do.”

I simply nodded in response. A few minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of a hotel. Gadget parked, and the seatbelts slid off of us. A moment later, Gadget’s holoform appear in the driver's seat, flickering slightly.

“I will more then likely need your assistance ‘Bee. “ Gadget said plainly

“Whatever ya need.” ‘Bee replied as he hopped out.

I hopped out and he caught me with a grin.

“Careful now.” He teased lightly

“I'm careful, mostly.” I say with a grin

Bumblebee chuckled in response before the two of us then headed over to Gadget’s side.

“‘Bee, can you get me my wielder?” he requested

“Sure thing.” ‘Bee said before heading off for a moment, leaving me with Gadget

“Whatcha gonna do?” I asked curiously as I watched him crouch down and look underneath his alt

“A basic repair. Just enough so I can stop flickering and whatnot.” Gadget said with a playful smile

‘Bee then came back with the tool Gadget asked for.

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