Chapter 43

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3rd Person P.O.V

Back at the house, the others started growing confused why the six hadn't come back still, yet.

“It's nearly 11.” Ace said as he looked at the clock

“Shoulda been back by now at least.” Sides stated

“Ya don't say Red.” Silver retorted with an eye roll, which Sides made a face at her

“I tried callin’ Gadgy’s comm but got nothin’.” ‘Che replied with a frown

“What ‘bout the other four?” Hound questioned

“Nothing still.” Soul’ and Queen’ replied in unison

“Then we have a issue there.” Sunny hummed back

Ratchet sighed to himself as he slid his glasses back on

“Sideswipe, ‘Che, Queen. Let's go.” Ratchet then stated

The three agreed and left out

“Cade make sure none of them explode anything.” Ratchet called as he walked out, to which Cade nodded to

There were then several shouts of “OI!"


The four pulled up to were their friends signals pinged off at.

“Woah.” Ricochet instantly commented on as she saw everything.

Luckily there was only the light from the lamp posts shining. Even with that it was still relatively bad.

Several men's lied on the ground either covered in blood or laying in pools of it, dead.

“Guys!” Sides then called as he saw their friends holoforms

As soon as they got there, they instantly saw the problem.

Even though they were stand in there, each of the five seemed to be frozen-like.

“Bee?” Queen asked confused as she went to him.

Bee made no reply or movement back, stuck.

“What's the matter with ‘em?” ‘Che asked as she looked at her frozen cousin

“I can't tell. Find their alt modes.” Ratchet said lightly as he frowned as he looked around, currently seeing no sign of Zoey

They split up looking through the parking lot.

“I got the cowboys!” Sideswipe called as he stood because the red and black truck

The other three went to him  and Ratchet examined it.

“Peculiar.” He frowned before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a flashlight

“Wait a minute, there.” Queen’ said as the light shined off the grille of the truck

Ratchet listened as he kneeled down a little and examined it.

“Hang on.” He said suddenly

Carefully he slid his fingers through it. A split second later, he pulled out a small metal disc, that clearly didn't belong.

Ratchet shined his flashlight on it. It was barely even 2 inches in diameter, and he could feel it almost pulsing in his hand.

There was then a loud gasp.

“Blasted ‘otherfucker!” came an irritated shout

“Find the rest of their alts. Look and remove this.” Ratchet directed as he showed the disc to them

The other three nodded in agreement before racing off. One by one they each found it within the grille and removed it, unfreezing their friends.

After Sideswipe unfroze Crosshairs the four went back to the five, reach of which was shaking off the last of the frozen feeling.

“What happened?” Ricochet asked

“The blasted fuckers happened.” Bolt seethed as he rolled up his lasso

“There was a sort of electrical surge unlike with the cable lines. It locked up my alt, along with my holoform.” Gadget added in an annoyed tone

“Where's Zoey?” Sideswipe then asked

“Gone.” Bee said with anger and hate in his tone


“The bastards froze us. She ran but ‘e caught up and caught ‘er. And we couldn’t do anythin’.” Crosshairs stated further in irritation, which Drift nodded slightly in agreement

Ratchet sighed in frustration as he ran a hand through his hair

“How it we find her?” Queen asked

“There were multiple ones that all seem to be connected to him. Find them and we find him and our kid.” Gadget said lightly, “The only question is which to start.”

Bolt seemed to have an answer already. He stormed off for a moment.

“What happened to your wrist?” Ratchet then asked suddenly

Gadget glanced at his wrist, it slightly swollen and bruised.

“He caught it.”

“What do you mean he caught it? I've seen you fight, nobody's been able to catch your wrist like that, except for any other cybertronian with the matching or greater speed.”

Gadget then gave him a look that explained all

“Oh that bloody bastard.” Ratchet said in realization before Bolt came back with a yellow orange and grey motocross bike driving behind him.

When he got back, he turned around just as the bike stopped. The rest watched as it then transformed into a half grown yellow, orange and grey cyberwolf. Even at half grown he was still a good several feet taller than Bolts holoform.

“Blaze.” Bolt commanded lightly and the wolf sat down and watched him

Bolt then started speaking and giving him a command in cybertronian quietly.

“Find him. I know he's still alive. Track him down. Everybody goes in, nobody comes out. Trap him within.” Bolt had said quietly before raising the hand that he socked the guy with, it covered in blood, which Blaze had bent down and started to smell

“Let nobody know you're there. Don't get caught. Find him.” Bolt finished firmly

Blaze gave a deeply howl back before getting up. A moment later he was back as the motocross bike, gave a revv before speeding off.

Bolt faced the rest of them.

“We're getting the others. Then we're off.” He stated as he saw the bike vanish off into the dark

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