18-Raging Fire

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[Harry's POV]


I wobble back and forth on my arms before extending my elbows and pulling my knees beneath my stomach.

"One at a time!" Jenna instructs from behind me. I place my right foot firmly in the center of the board while bring the left one up to join it in the ever-terrifying sport of surfing. I stand up the way Jenna falls asleep: slowly, then all at once. Jenna's thunderous applause takes my guard down and the board moves to swiftly below my feet. I fall off into the blue saltwater and swallow a few gallons while the wave holds me below the surface.

I feel Jenna's small hands under my armpits, pulling my towards the surface. Somehow she manages to break the surface with my body in tow. I rest my arms and the board, coughing and sputtering water.

"You had it!" She says happily.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, I had it right before I fell off again."

"It was longer than last time." She raises her eyebrows and smiles broadly at me.

"I guess so. It was barely a second." I press my cheek against my folded arms, feeling the water bob our bodies up and down according to the waves.

"We should get going, it's starting to get cloudy." Her foot rubs against mine in a loving way, but not for long before she dives underwater.

I can't see her below the surface, and I'm not a strong swimming so I can't release the board. Her hand grabs my ankle and I jump.

I kick lightly and feel my foot connect with skin. I wince. She appears opposite from me and rubs her head.

"Ouch." She says sarcastically. Smiling, she grabs my hand and pushes my board towards the beach. Our hands clasp together and the only thing keeping us afloat are our feet, kicking frantically to keep from sinking.

Soon enough, our bodies drift towards the beach and my feet touch sand. I scan her face for any minor injury I might've caused her when I kicked her. Her beautiful auburn hair is stuck to her wet skin and her grey eyes shine bright.

She turns my heart into a raging fire. It thumps out of control as she wraps her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. They neck-high water helps keep unwanted eyes away. Her soft lips ease unto mine. I get goosebumps on my arms. She gentle presses her lips against mine over and over again, harder each time. The cloudy sky can't even disturb us now. That is, until thunder and lightning abruptly illuminate the sky.

She laughs with her forehead against mine and her breathing rugged, "I think we should get going, looks like a storm is coming."

I smile, "I love you so much, Jenna."

She responds, "When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I first met you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. But now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you."

"Jesus, that was romantic." I respond, putting my arms beneath her butt, holding her against my body and up in my arms. She gasps as I trudge out of the ocean, carrying her like its nothing. Her arms are tight around my neck, afraid of falling. Without letting Jenna down, I grab our shirts and continue to walk forward towards the parking lot where tourists are running about, freaking out about the thunderstorm brewing. Jenna's chin rests on my shoulder when I finally let her down once I reach the car.

We kiss once more before clambering, wet, into my tungsten Dodge Charger. I suppose I'll have to clean it out once I have time.

Once Jenna's

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